
The recommended way for installing Octave on GNU/Linux systems is via each distribution's package installation system. If this is for some reason not possible, or the available Octave version too old, consider using a distribution independent approach described below or Building Octave from source.

Arch Linux

Main article: Octave for Arch Linux
pacman -S octave

Debian and Debian-based (such as Ubuntu)

Main article: Octave for Debian systems
sudo apt-get install octave
apt install liboctave-dev  # development files


Main article: Octave for Red Hat Linux systems
dnf install octave
dnf install octave-devel  # development files


emerge --ask sci-mathematics/octave

openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise

Main article: Octave for openSUSE
zypper install octave
zypper install octave-devel  # development files

Red Hat Enterprise/CentOS

Main article: Octave for Red Hat Linux systems
yum install epel-release
yum install octave
yum install octave-devel  # development files

If the above does not work, follow these instructions to set up your system to install packages from EPEL.


Main article: Octave for Slackware

Distribution independent

Using a distribution independent approach is particularly useful if you have an older GNU/Linux distribution or if you do not have root access on your system. A common drawback of this approach is, that these solutions are running in some kind of sandbox. Thus limitations in the communication with the underlying system may exist. For example, executing system binaries outside the sandbox might be impossible.


docker pull mtmiller/octave


flatpak install flathub org.octave.Octave


Homebrew on Linux

"Homebrew on Linux" was formerly a fork known as Linuxbrew. It is possible to install the current release of Octave or the development version and any needed dependencies within your home directory.

brew install octave



snap install octave --beta

Building from source

Main article: Building

See also