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* Please describe the biggest project you have written code for and what you learned by doing so. Also, describe your role in that project over time.
* Please describe the biggest project you have written code for and what you learned by doing so. Also, describe your role in that project over time.
*:It was not a big project I only have done small small project till now.The project was something related to newtonian physics.There was n balls of unit mass and radius positioned on a straight line at specified positions.They were free to move along the line and their initial velocities were also given. Assuming that there were no friction and that every collisions are elastic, i.e. when balls collide their velocities just get exchanged. As one can see that there will be some number of collisions after which the balls will simply escape to infinity on either side of the line.We just need to find out the position and velocities of the balls at the time just after last collision taking the initial positions and velocities of every solids as input.The project was not in group This was my own project so I did everything from beginning to end.Only to use something new I took help from my seniors.I learnt a lot from it.The most important things was the debugging parts and to think of different different possible cases where my code will not give the desired output.The use of multiple function in same code and how to use one function in creating other function all were really challenging part of that project.I have done many small project but this one was really challenging.

* Please state the commits and patches you already contributed to Octave. ''This question (one of the most important parts by the way) is the only part of your application our wiki admins will edit for you even after the application deadline. Code sometimes speaks louder than many words do.''
* Please state the commits and patches you already contributed to Octave. ''This question (one of the most important parts by the way) is the only part of your application our wiki admins will edit for you even after the application deadline. Code sometimes speaks louder than many words do.''

*:Fixed some part of the bug #51333 [] and currently working on it to implement all those matrices functions
*:Fixed some part of the bug #51333 [] and currently working on it to implement all those matrices functions
*:Provided the code for one of the missing function 'rms' from signal package [].
*:Provided the code for the missing function 'rms' from signal package [].

== F: Feeling fine ==
== F: Feeling fine ==


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