Based on the MXE project there is an MXE-Octave fork available to allow cross compiling Octave to various target systems.

Examples of compiling Octave for different platforms

  • Compiling for Windows
  1. There is some further information for using mxe-octave to build an Windows installer here: Windows_Installer.

  • Compiling for your Linux system
  1. Download MXE-Octave as a compressed file.
  2. Unpack it in ~ or somewhere suitable.
  3. cd into the directory (called ~/mxe-octave-123456789 or similiar).
  4. Type: autoconf
  5. Type: ./configure --enable-64 --enable-native-build --enable-pic-flag host_alias=gnu-linux --enable-openblas --enable-jit
  6. Type: make
  7. Type: make openblas
  8. cd usr/lib
  9. mv
  10. ln -s
  11. Octave will exist in ~/mxe-octave-123456789/usr/bin
  12. Add to your .bashrc file: alias octave=~/mxe-octave-123456789/usr/bin/octave

  • Compiling for a different Linux system
  1. ...

Packaging for distribution