Page history
23 March 2017
20 March 2017
→Summary table: Add Octave code sharing
→Infrastructure: Add Octave code sharing project idea.
14 March 2017
13 March 2017
→Summary table
→Neural Networks package: Convolutional Neural Networks
→Adding functionality to Forge packages
10 March 2017
9 March 2017
→ode15s : Matlab Compatible DAE solver
→ode15s : Matlab Compatible DAE solver
→ode15s : Matlab Compatible DAE solver
3 March 2017
no edit summary
→Steps Toward a Successful Application: improve formatting
→Improve iterative methods for sparse linear systems
1 March 2017
→Interval package: add examples for the manual as a project
→Interval package: Add co-mentor
→Summary table: add interval package
→Interval package: Add VERSOFT as a project
7 February 2017
6 February 2017
→EPA hydrology software suite
→Summary table
→Suggested projects
→Improve iterative methods for sparse linear systems
→Summary table
→Summary table
→Chebfun in Octave
→Summary table
4 February 2017
3 February 2017
→Summary table: looking for comentor
→Summary table: update table
→Make Chebfun work in Octave: relabel section
→Summary table
→Improve iterative methods for sparse linear systems
→Numerical: Add a chebfun/classdef project
→Summary table: update table
→Infrastructure: Add Pytave project
30 January 2017
→Summary table
→Octave Package management
→Summary table
→Octave Package management
→Summary table
→Octave Package management
27 January 2017
→Improve iterative methods for sparse linear systems
→Improve iterative methods for sparse linear systems