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: Marco Caliari
: Marco Caliari

=== Make Chebfun work in Octave ===
=== Chebfun in Octave ===

[ Chebfun] is a mathematics and software project for "numerical computing with functions".  Basically it approximates functions to machine precision ($10^-15$) using Chebyshev polynomial interpolants.  Operations on those functions (arithmetic, derivatives, root-finding, etc) are then overloaded and return new interpolating polynomials.
[ Chebfun] is a mathematics and software project for "numerical computing with functions".  Basically it approximates functions to machine precision ($10^-15$) using Chebyshev polynomial interpolants.  Operations on those functions (arithmetic, derivatives, root-finding, etc) are then overloaded and return new interpolating polynomials.


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