Windows Installer: Difference between revisions

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m (Added the zip package. On Debian 8, even though bzip2 is installed the zip command will not work.)
No edit summary
Line 9: Line 9:
# <code>hg clone</code>
# <code>hg clone</code>
# <code>cd mxe-octave</code>
# <code>cd mxe-octave</code>
# Make sure MXE version of all compiler tools are found first in path
## <code>export PATH=$PWD/usr/bin:$PATH</code>  # for Bourne shell
## <code>setenv PATH $PWD/usr/bin:$PATH</code>  # for C shell
# <code>autoconf</code>
# <code>autoconf</code>
# <code>./configure</code>
# <code>./configure</code>
Line 19: Line 16:

* Use <code>make tar-dist</code> or <code>make zip-dist</code> instead of <code>nsis-installer</code> if you want to build just an archive of the files to install on Windows instead of an installer wizard.
* Use <code>make tar-dist</code> or <code>make zip-dist</code> instead of <code>nsis-installer</code> if you want to build just an archive of the files to install on Windows instead of an installer wizard.
* Use <code>make JOBS=4</code> if you have a multicore system to enable parallel build. '''Do not''' use <code>make -j4</code>.
* By default, packages will be built one at a time, but you may use <code>make JOBS=4</code> (choose a number other than 4 that is appropriate for your system) to build each package in parallel.  You may also combine this with the <code>-j</code> option for Make to build more than one package at a time, but be careful as using <code>make -j4 JOBS=-4</code> can result in as many as 16 jobs running at once.
* Use <code>./configure --disable-strip-dist-files</code> if you want to keep debug symbols in the installed binaries for debugging on Windows.
* Use <code>./configure --disable-strip-dist-files</code> if you want to keep debug symbols in the installed binaries for debugging on Windows.
* Include gdb in the installer by running <code>make gdb</code> before making the <code>nsis-installer</code> target.
* Include gdb in the installer by running <code>make gdb</code> before making the <code>nsis-installer</code> target.

Revision as of 17:00, 11 June 2015

This article is about how to make the Windows installer; if you'd like just to use the installer, see Octave for Microsoft Windows.

GNU Octave is primarily developed on GNU/Linux and other POSIX conformal systems. There have been many efforts in the past to build ports of GNU Octave for Windows. Take a look at the various ports of Octave available for Windows here.

Recently some work has been done in maintaining a unified build system mxe-octave (a fork of MXE) which anyone can use to produce cross as well as native builds of GNU Octave for Windows and Mac OS X platforms. This page contains instructions about creating a Windows installer using mxe-octave.

Steps to create Windows Installer

  1. Install all requirements of MXE Octave.
  2. hg clone
  3. cd mxe-octave
  4. autoconf
  5. ./configure
  6. make nsis-installer


  • Use make tar-dist or make zip-dist instead of nsis-installer if you want to build just an archive of the files to install on Windows instead of an installer wizard.
  • By default, packages will be built one at a time, but you may use make JOBS=4 (choose a number other than 4 that is appropriate for your system) to build each package in parallel. You may also combine this with the -j option for Make to build more than one package at a time, but be careful as using make -j4 JOBS=-4 can result in as many as 16 jobs running at once.
  • Use ./configure --disable-strip-dist-files if you want to keep debug symbols in the installed binaries for debugging on Windows.
  • Include gdb in the installer by running make gdb before making the nsis-installer target.

Installing requirements of MXE Octave

MXE Octave requires a recent Unix system where all components as stated below are installed.

Debian (GNU/kFreeBSD & GNU/Linux)

aptitude install -R autoconf automake bash bison bzip2 \
                    cmake flex gettext git g++ intltool \
                    libffi-dev libtool libltdl-dev \
                    mercurial openssl libssl-dev \
                    libxml-parser-perl make patch perl \
                    pkg-config scons sed unzip wget \
                    xz-utils yasm autopoint zip

On 64-bit Debian, install also:

aptitude install -R g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386

If you are using Ubuntu, then you can do apt-get install foo instead of aptitude install -R foo.

On a fesh Linux Mint 16 x86_64, in addition to the above also install:

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 gcc-multilib libgmp3-dev libmpfr4 libmpfr-dev
sudo apt-get build-dep gcc-4.8

If not installed you will get error messages like "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h:30:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory" or "/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc" when compiling ocaml-core. The packages libgmp3-dev libmpfr4 libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev are needed for compiling the build-gcc.


yum install autoconf automake bash bison bzip2 cmake \
            flex gcc-c++ gettext git intltool make sed \
            libffi-devel libtool openssl-devel patch perl pkgconfig \
            scons yasm unzip wget xz

On 64-bit Fedora, there are open issues with the NSIS package.


pkg_add -r automake111 autoconf268 bash bison cmake \
           flex gettext git gmake gsed intltool libffi libtool \
           openssl patch perl p5-XML-Parser pkg-config \
           scons unzip wget yasm

Ensure that /usr/local/bin precedes /usr/bin in your $PATH:
For C style shells, edit .cshrc

setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:$PATH

For Bourne shells, edit .profile

export PATH = /usr/local/bin:$PATH

On 64-bit FreeBSD, there are open issues with the NSIS package.


pacman-g2 -S autoconf automake bash bzip2 bison cmake \
             flex gcc gettext git intltool make sed libffi libtool \
             openssl patch perl perl-xml-parser pkgconfig \
             scons unzip wget xz xz-lzma yasm

On 64-bit Frugalware, there are open issues with the NSIS package.


emerge sys-devel/autoconf sys-devel/automake \
       app-shells/bash sys-devel/bison app-arch/bzip2 \
       dev-util/cmake sys-devel/flex sys-devel/gcc \
       sys-devel/gettext dev-vcs/git \
       dev-util/intltool sys-devel/make sys-apps/sed \
       dev-libs/libffi sys-devel/libtool dev-libs/openssl sys-devel/patch \
       dev-lang/perl dev-perl/XML-Parser \
       dev-util/pkgconfig dev-util/scons app-arch/unzip \
       net-misc/wget app-arch/xz-utils dev-lang/yasm

Mac OS X

Install Xcode 4 and MacPorts, then run:

sudo port install autoconf automake bison cmake flex \
                  gettext git-core gsed intltool libffi libtool \
                  openssl p5-xml-parser pkgconfig scons \
                  wget xz yasm

Mac OS X versions ≤ 10.6 are no longer supported.


Make sure to update and upgrade packages as some of the default versions of packages are too old to work correctly.

mingw-get update
mingw-get upgrade

And then get required packages.

mingw-get install autoconf bash msys-bison msys-flex gcc gcc-c++ \
                  gcc-fortran gettext msys-m4 msys-make msys-sed \
                  libiconv msys-openssl msys-patch msys-perl \
                  msys-libarchive msys-unzip msys-wget msys-bsdtar

You will also need to install Windows versions of Python and Ghostscript and ensure they are in visible in the PATH.


zypper install -R autoconf automake bash bison bzip2 \
                  cmake flex gcc-c++ gettext-tools git \
                  intltool libffi-devel libtool make openssl \
                  libopenssl-devel patch perl \
                  perl-XML-Parser pkg-config scons \
                  sed unzip wget xz yasm

On 64-bit openSUSE, install also:

zypper install -R gcc-32bit glibc-devel-32bit \
                  libgcc46-32bit libgomp46-32bit \

Creating an NSIS based installer

The make nsis-installer command produces a NSIS installer that is ready to be distributed.