Video package

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The video package is part of the Octave Forge project and tries to implement the video functions from matlab. It should compile with ffmpeg and libav.


on Debian Jessie using "pkg -forge"[edit]

sudo apt-get install libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libavcodec-dev

On the Octave prompt:

>> pkg install -forge video

on CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) with GNU Octave Version 3.8.2[edit]

yum install octave-devel
yum install libvorbis  yasm freetype zlib bzip2 faac lame speex libvpx libogg  libtheora  x264 XviD openjpeg15 opencore-amr
tar xzf libav-11.4.tar.gz
cd libav-11.4
./configure --enable-pic
make -j 4

as root:

make install

On the Octave prompt:

>> pkg install -forge video

On Windows[edit]

The MXE builds >= 4.0.1-rc3 already includes the ffmpeg libs so video should run out of the box.