OpenGL coordinate systems[edit]
In the Octave plotting backend, we find various OpenGL transformations. Some of the classic OpenGL transformation steps, as well as coordinate systems, are shown in the following picture:
The Octave coordinate system[edit]
In Octave a plot scene is defined by a "view point", a "camera target" and an "up vector".
In the second part of "axes::properties::update_camera ()" the view transformation "x_gl_mat1" and projection matrix "x_gl_mat2" are put together. The following chapter illustrates some of the properties of "x_gl_mat1" and "x_gl_mat2".
The role of "x_gl_mat1"[edit]
The following section of code composes the matrix "x_view", which is a major subset of "x_gl_mat1". The matrix "x_gl_mat1" consists of multiple translations, scales and one rotation operation. The individual operation steps are shown in a picture below.
Code: Section of axes::properties::update_camera ()" |
// Unit length vector for direction of view "f" and up vector "UP"
ColumnVector F (c_center), f (F), UP (c_upv);
normalize (f);
normalize (UP);
// Scale "UP" vector, so that norm(f x UP) becomes 1
if (std::abs (dot (f, UP)) > 1e-15)
double fa = 1 / sqrt (1 - f(2)*f(2));
scale (UP, fa, fa, fa);
// Calculate the vector rejection UP onto f
// s, f and u are used to assemble the rotation matrix l
ColumnVector s = cross (f, UP);
ColumnVector u = cross (s, f);
// Construct a 4x4 matrix "x_view" that is a subset of "x_gl_mat1"
// Start with identity I = [1,0,0,0; 0,1,0,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,1]
Matrix x_view = xform_matrix ();
// Step #7 -> #8
scale (x_view, 1, 1, -1);
Matrix l = xform_matrix ();
l(0,0) = s(0); l(0,1) = s(1); l(0,2) = s(2);
l(1,0) = u(0); l(1,1) = u(1); l(1,2) = u(2);
l(2,0) = -f(0); l(2,1) = -f(1); l(2,2) = -f(2);
// Step #6 -> #7 (rotate on the Z axis)
x_view = x_view * l;
// Step #5 -> #6
translate (x_view, -c_eye(0), -c_eye(1), -c_eye(2));
// Step #4 -> #5
scale (x_view, pb(0), pb(1), pb(2));
// Step #3 -> #4
translate (x_view, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5);
To visualize the matrix properties, the "x_gl_mat1" matrix is multiplied by the object coordinates. After the transformation, the plot box is aligned with the Z-axis and the view point is at the origin . The matrix transforms world coordinates into camera coordinates. The purple planes show the near and far clipping planes.
The individual translation, scaling and rotation operations of "x_gl_mat1", are shown in the following figure:
The role of "x_gl_mat2"[edit]
Bounding box[edit]
The matrix "x_gl_mat2" is composed of the sub matrices "x_viewport" and "x_projection". The purpose of these matrices is to fit the associated 2D image of the above transformation result into a "bounding box". The bounding box is defined as follows:
- bb(0), bb(1): Position of the "viewport"
- bb(2), bb(3): Width and height of the "viewport"
Hint: If you debug in "update_camera ()", you can print "bb":
(gdb) print * (gdb) $1 = {72.79, 31.50, 434, 342.29}
Compare the result with the output on the Octave prompt:
hax = axes (); get (hax, "position") ans = 73.80 47.20 434.00 342.30 get (gcf, 'position') ans = 22 300 560 420
Where 420 - 342.30 - 31.5 + 1 = 47.20
In the following simplified code section the matrix "x_projection" is composed. It is used to normalize the image of the above transformation. For this purpose, the field of view (FOV) must be calculated:
Code: Section of axes::properties::update_camera ()" |
if (cameraviewanglemode_is ("auto"))
if ((bb(2)/bb(3)) > (xM/yM))
// When the image is scaled to the size of the bounding box,
// the height collides with the bounding box first. Therefore,
// the camera view angle is defined by the image height yM.
af = 1.0 / yM;
// The image width collides with the bounding box.
af = 1.0 / xM;
// The view angle "v_angle", also called field of view "FOV",
// is formed by the hypotenuse and the adjacent side, which is given by
// the distance between the view point and the camera target "norm (F)".
// The ratio of the opposite side, given by "af", to the adjacent side in
// a right-angled triangle is the tangent of the view angle.
v_angle = 2 * (180.0 / M_PI) * atan (1 / (2 * af * norm (F)));
cameraviewangle = v_angle;
v_angle = get_cameraviewangle ();
// x_projection: identity "diag([1, 1, 1, 1])"
Matrix x_projection = xform_matrix ();
// Calculate backwards from the angle to the ratio. This step
// is necessary because "v_angle" can be set manually.
double pf = 1 / (2 * tan ((v_angle / 2) * M_PI / 180.0) * norm (F));
// Normalize to one. Resulting coordinates are "normalized device coordinates".
scale (x_projection, pf, pf, 1);
"x_viewport" is a transformation used to place the previously "normalized" plot box in the center and to fit it tightly into the bounding box:
Code: Section of axes::properties::update_camera ()" |
double pix = 1;
if (autocam)
if ((bb(2)/bb(3)) > (xM/yM))
pix = bb(3);
pix = bb(2);
pix = (bb(2) < bb(3) ? bb(2) : bb(3));
// x_viewport: identity "diag([1, 1, 1, 1])"
Matrix x_viewport = xform_matrix ();
// Move to the center of the bounding box inside the figure.
translate (x_viewport, bb(0)+bb(2)/2, bb(1)+bb(3)/2, 0);
// Scale either to width or height, to fit correctly into the bounding box
scale (x_viewport, pix, -pix, 1);
x_gl_mat2 = x_viewport * x_projection;
Note: The matrix "x_gl_mat2" scales x, y. However the z-coordinate is not modified!
setup_opengl_transformation ()[edit]
OpenGL backend[edit]
In the OpenGL backend, the view matrix, an orthographic matrix, and the viewport transform are used to transform the octave plot into the screen window.
Code: Section of opengl_renderer::setup_opengl_transformation ()" |
Matrix x_zlim = props.get_transform_zlim ();
xZ1 = x_zlim(0)-(x_zlim(1)-x_zlim(0))/2;
xZ2 = x_zlim(1)+(x_zlim(1)-x_zlim(0))/2;
// Load x_gl_mat1 and x_gl_mat2
Matrix x_mat1 = props.get_opengl_matrix_1 ();
Matrix x_mat2 = props.get_opengl_matrix_2 ();
m_glfcns.glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
m_glfcns.glLoadIdentity ();
m_glfcns.glScaled (1, 1, -1);
// Matrix x_gl_mat1
m_glfcns.glMultMatrixd ( ());
m_glfcns.glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
m_glfcns.glLoadIdentity ();
Matrix vp = get_viewport_scaled ();
// Install orthographic projection matrix with viewport
// setting "0, vp(2), vp(3), 0" and near / far values "xZ1, xZ2"
m_glfcns.glOrtho (0, vp(2), vp(3), 0, xZ1, xZ2);
// Matrix x_gl_mat2
m_glfcns.glMultMatrixd ( ());
m_glfcns.glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
m_glfcns.glClear (GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
Hint: If you debug in "setup_opengl_transformation ()", you can print the viewport "vp":
(gdb) print * (gdb) $1 = {0, 0, 560, 420}
This is consistent with the window size.