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== Usage cases ==
== Usage cases ==
In all usage case, described below, user doesn't need to have any knowledge about using Scilab interface and in the most cases he doesn't have to know Scilab scripting language. You can use only Xcos and do the rest of things in Octave.
1. Simple dynamic systems rapid prototyping.
In this case you, actually, we need only Xcos. In other cases, described below, we also assume that Xcos is used for dynamic system simulation. The good starting point is to read [ "Xcos for very beginners" guide] (even if you are familiar with Simulink).
2. Dynamic system rapid prototyping, when systems parameters have to be calculated by script.
In this case you write and execute all scripts you need using Octave, and then transfer scripts results to Scilab workspace. For example, we have Octave script "calc_pid_params.m" that can tune PID controller parameters and return them as Kp, Ki and Kd variables to Octave workspace. In case we want to use those parameters in Xcos simulation we should run in Octave
After that we can use those varibles in Xcos simulation. Of course, before running ''sci_setvar'', you should setup connection with Scilab using Sciconnect
3. Dynamic system rapid prototyping, when simulation results should be processed by script.
In this case we have to move all simulation results you need into Octave workspace and then process them with any Octave script. For example, if your Xcos simulation return two vectors "speed" and "pos", to transfer them into Octave you will need to run
After that two new variables with names "speed" and "pos" will appear in Octave. If there were variables with such name, they will be changed to the ones received from Scilab. After that you can use them, as if they were created in Octave.
4. Automated Dynamic system simulation
In this case we use Octave scripts for setting up dynamic model parameters and result analysis. The Xcos simulation can be started both from Xcos GUI or from Octave using ''sci_sim'' function. In case of using ''sci_sim'' function the current directory in Octave contain .xcos model file. The current directory in Scilab doesn't matter, because it will be changed automatically. If you don't need Xcos GUI, you can ran  Scilab in console mode, it will cause no problem for starting Xcos simulations from Octave. The example of this usage is distributed with Scilab co-simulation package as demo.
5. Using Scilab co-simulation package to use Scilab toolboxes
In this case you need to connect to Scilab using ''sci_connect'' function. Transfer function arguments to Scilab workspace with ''sci_setvar'' function. After that you can execute any of Scilab function from Octave with ''sci_cmd''. And when you need to return results from Scilab you have to use ''sci_getvar''. For example, you want to generate key for BlowFish chiper using Scilab Cryptography Toolbox from your Octave script. First of all, you should know, that any call of ''sci_setvar'', ''sci_getvar'' or ''sci_sim'' command will change Scilab current folder to the same you use in Octave, but ''sci_cmd'' won't. That means, if you use only sci_cmd function, you should change Scilab current folder, before running any scripts. It can be done directly from Octave by transferring any variable to Scilab using ''sci_setvar'' or with command
''sci_cmd(['cd ' pwd]);''
After current folder in Scilab and Octave are synchronized you can generate the key by Octave command:
''sci_cmd('keyGen_blowfish("sampleKey", "sampleIV", "samplePublicKey", "samplePrivateKey");');''
As with Octave, Scilab is initially distributed without any toolboxes. That means, before using Scilab Cryptography Toolbox or any other toolbox for Scilab you need to install it with ATOMS manager.

== Author and Licensing ==
== Author and Licensing ==


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