Octave for Red Hat Linux systems: Difference between revisions

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   flex texlive gperf fltk-devel qhull-devel hdf5-devel gl2ps-devel qrupdate-devel arpack-devel qscintilla-devel llvm-devel qt-devel \
   flex texlive gperf fltk-devel qhull-devel hdf5-devel gl2ps-devel qrupdate-devel arpack-devel qscintilla-devel llvm-devel qt-devel \
   bison ghostscript-devel
   bison ghostscript-devel
=== CentOS ===
Install base CentOS 6.4 system from minimal install disk.
netinstall disk does not work from local iso disk image.
==== Setup Network ====
reboot and start the network because it is disabled by default:
    ifup eth0
    dhclient eth0
edit `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0` to enable on next boot. change `ONBOOT` to yes
==== Install X11/DE ====
update yum
    yum update -y
install desktop environment using:
    yum -y groupinstall basic-desktop desktop-platform x11 fonts
set system to boot to graphical interface by default
    edit /etc/inittab and set default run level to 5
    init 5
==== Prepare system and dependencies ====
finish setting up system and creating user
configure sudo
    edit /etc/sudoers file to enable sudo for wheel group
    edit /etc/group and add new user to wheel group
Remaining commands done with sudo
enable use of Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
    yum -y install wget
    wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
    rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
install octave dependencies development packages:
    yum -y install yum-utils
    yum-builddep -y octave
    yum -y install qt-devel mercurial gcc-c++ lapack-devel libtool
    yum -y install epstool transfig pstoedit qscintilla-devel
===== prepare installation of octave =====
The remaining steps do not need to be done as root, except for
possibly the final installation step.  I recommend you create an
installation directory like /usr/local/octave/VERSION so that it is
easy to uninstall a given version simply by removing a directory tree.
Then to use the installed version, put /usr/local/octave/VERSION/bin
in your PATH.  If you create the /usr/local/octave/VERSION directory
with appropriate permissions, it is not necessary to be root to
install Octave.  For example,
    mkdir -p /usr/local/octave/dev
    chown jwe.jwe /usr/local/octave/dev
create src and build directories:
    mkdir src build
===== get source code of octave and compile it=====
check out a copy of the octave sources in the src directory
    cd src
    hg clone http://hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/octave
* bootstrap the build system
    cd octave
* build Octave in the build directory.  choose whatever prefix is appropriate for your system.  the -jN option builds in parallel
    cd ../../build
    ../src/octave/configure --prefix=/usr/local/octave/dev
    make -j6 all
* Run the test suite
    make check
* If everything looks OK (a few failures are probably normal for the
  development version) install it
    make install


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