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Take your flight to the [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Montr%C3%A9al-Pierre+Elliott+Trudeau+International+Airport&ie=UTF8&t=m&vpsrc=6&sll=45.764649,-73.100281&sspn=0.747254,1.874542&st=115968771510351694523&rq=1&ev=zo&split=1&hq=Universit%C3%A9+de+Montr%C3%A9al&hnear=&ll=45.461094,-73.748474&spn=0.418036,1.056747&z=11&iwloc=A&cid=2175423857934231437 Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport].
Take your flight to the [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Montr%C3%A9al-Pierre+Elliott+Trudeau+International+Airport&ie=UTF8&t=m&vpsrc=6&sll=45.764649,-73.100281&sspn=0.747254,1.874542&st=115968771510351694523&rq=1&ev=zo&split=1&hq=Universit%C3%A9+de+Montr%C3%A9al&hnear=&ll=45.461094,-73.748474&spn=0.418036,1.056747&z=11&iwloc=A&cid=2175423857934231437 Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport].

From the airport, you can either take a cab to any location in the city, which is 40 CAD, or you can take the public 747 express bus, which is 8 CAD. It will take you to the Lionel-Groulx metro station, from which you can continue your travel with the same ticket (it's valid for 2 hours). The metro system is relatively simple to navigate, and [http://www.stm.info/en bus schedules are posted online] and near metro stations.
From the airport, you can either take a cab to any location in the city, which is 40 CAD, or you can take the public 747 express bus, which is 8 CAD. It will take you to the Lionel-Groulx metro station and other stops downtown, from which you can continue your travel with the same ticket (it's valid for 2 hours). The metro system is relatively simple to navigate, and [http://www.stm.info/en bus schedules are posted online] and near metro stations.

You can also get [http://www.stm.info/en/info/fares/transit-fares/3-days a 3-day pass for 18 CAD] that gives you full access to Montréal's excellent public transportation, including the 747 express bus.
You can also get [http://www.stm.info/en/info/fares/transit-fares/3-days a 3-day pass for 18 CAD] that gives you full access to Montréal's excellent public transportation, including the 747 express bus.

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