International Characters Support: Difference between revisions

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== Locales ==
== Locales ==
Converting strings to numbers when the decimal separator is not '.'
Converting strings to numbers when the decimal separator is not '.'
== The state of Octave ==
Octave "by accident" supports UTF-8, meaning that the vast majority of functions for text display and graph manipulations are using 8-bits chars, passing them unmodified to the underlying layers in charge of rendering.
Functions like 'length' and size return the space required for string storage, which may be greater than the effective number of symbols.
Tests like 'isalpha' are modelled as their lower-layers C counterpart and are not aware of UTF-8 nor locales
String search should be OK provided the two arguments are UTF-8
Strings concatenation works with respect to UTF-8
Displaying strings works in most circumstances except help message (bug report and patch recently provided)


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