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Take your flight to the [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Montr%C3%A9al-Pierre+Elliott+Trudeau+International+Airport&ie=UTF8&t=m&vpsrc=6&sll=45.764649,-73.100281&sspn=0.747254,1.874542&st=115968771510351694523&rq=1&ev=zo&split=1&hq=Universit%C3%A9+de+Montr%C3%A9al&hnear=&ll=45.461094,-73.748474&spn=0.418036,1.056747&z=11&iwloc=A&cid=2175423857934231437 Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport].
Take your flight to the [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Montr%C3%A9al-Pierre+Elliott+Trudeau+International+Airport&ie=UTF8&t=m&vpsrc=6&sll=45.764649,-73.100281&sspn=0.747254,1.874542&st=115968771510351694523&rq=1&ev=zo&split=1&hq=Universit%C3%A9+de+Montr%C3%A9al&hnear=&ll=45.461094,-73.748474&spn=0.418036,1.056747&z=11&iwloc=A&cid=2175423857934231437 Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport].

From the airport, you can either take a cab to any location in the city, which is 40 CAD, or you can take the public 747 express bus, which is 8 CAD. It will take you to the Lionel-Groulx metro station, from which you can continue your travel with the same ticket (it's valid for 2 hours). The metro system is relatively simple to navigate, and [http://stm.info/English/a-somm.htm bus schedules are posted online] and near metro stations.
From the airport, you can either take a cab to any location in the city, which is 40 CAD, or you can take the public 747 express bus, which is 8 CAD. It will take you to the Lionel-Groulx metro station, from which you can continue your travel with the same ticket (it's valid for 2 hours). The metro system is relatively simple to navigate, and [http://www.stm.info/en bus schedules are posted online] and near metro stations.

Starting on Monday, you can get a weekly bus and metro pass for 23.50 CAD. This is highly recommended, as it gives you access to all of the public transportation network within the island of Montréal.
You can also get [http://www.stm.info/en/info/fares/transit-fares/3-days a 3-day pass for 18 CAD] that gives you full access to Montréal's excellent public transportation, including the 747 express bus.

=== Lodging ===
=== Lodging ===

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