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*'''Latest update:''' 2011-10-14
*'''Latest update:''' 2011-10-14
*Packages are archived by the 7zip. The 7zip software can be download from http://www.7-zip.org/
*Packages are archived by the 7zip. The 7zip software can be download from http://www.7-zip.org/
*Octave Binaries are built by Tatsuro Matsuoka (http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/)
*Octave manual (<code>octave-3.4.2.pdf.zip, octave-3.4.2.html.zip</code>) can be downloaded from http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/


*GNU Octave, version 3.4.2 (i686-pc-mingw32)
The installation instructions are the same as for the 3.4.3 version, above.
*A new fltk graphics_toolkit is available
*gnuplot 4.4.3
*fig2dev 3.2.5c
*ghostscript 9.0.2
*Msys + MinGW? tool chains
*some Octave-forge packages
**bim-1.0.2 (Updated 2011-10-14)
**communications-1.1.0 (Updated 2011-10-14)
**control-2.2.0 (Updated 2011-10-14)
**data-smoothing-1.2.3 (Updated 2011-10-14)
**fuzzy-logic-toolkit-0.2.4 (Updated 2011-10-14)
**geometry-1.1.3 (added on 2011-10-14)
**image-1.0.15 (Updated 2011-10-14)
**io-1.0.15 (Updated 2011-10-14)
**java-1.2.8 (Updated 2011-09-07)
**linear-algebra-2.0.0_svn20111014 (Updated 2011-10-14)
**mechanics-1.1.0 (added on 2011-10-14)
**miscellaneous-1.0.11 (Updated 2011-09-14)
**nurbs-1.3.5 (Updated 2011-10-14)
**secs3d-0.0.1 (added on 2011-10-14)
**sockets-1.0.7_svn20111014 (updated 2011-10-14)
**vrml-1.0.12_svn20111014_patched (added 2011-10-14)
**windows-1.1.0 (Updated 2011-09-07)

===Installation of the Octave package===
*Read readme.txt in Octave3.4.2_gcc4.5.2_20110914.7z
For details, please see http://old.nabble.com/Octave-3.4.2-mingw-%2B-octaveforge-pkgs-to32394771.html
*Unzip to a directory which doesn't have space chars i.e. <code>C:\Octave\Octave3.4.2_gcc4.5.2\</code> keeping the directory structure in the archive.
*Copy octave.lnk to any convenient location and edit its properties respectively to point to octave.exe and octave.ico.
===Installation of the Octave-forge packages===
*Read <code>Octave3.4.2_gcc4.5.2_pkgs_readme.txt</code>, <code>Octave3.4.2_gcc4.5.2_pkgs_changes.txt</code> in <code>Octave3.4.2_gcc4.5.2_pkgs_20110914.7z</code>.
*In order to update octave_packages database and auto-load most packages (excluding 'ad' and 'windows' which may crash octave when loaded and 'clear all' is executed), launch Octave and execute:
        pkg rebuild -auto
        pkg rebuild -noauto ad windows

*You can adjust your installed packages status per your specific needs and usage by executing one of the following commands:
Upon launching, some warnings may be displayed. The following warnings can be ignored:
*To interactively load or unload a package
*Following warning is about interpretation of logical operators (on scalars) in octave which is slightly different than matlab's interpretation.
        pkg load <pkg_name>
warning: C:\Octave\Octave3.4.2_gcc4.5.2\share\octave\packages\integration-1.0.7\PKG_ADD: possible Matlab-style
        pkg unload <pkg_name>
short-circuit operator at line 9, column 32
*To disable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
*Following warnings are about missing external tools which may reduce some of the functions of some packages. These external tools are not provided by the 7z archives in sourceforge.
        pkg rebuild -noauto <pkg_name>
warning: gmsh does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
*To enable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
warning: dx does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
        pkg rebuild -auto <pkg_name>
*Following warning is about fstat function of the statistics package that overloads the old (to be deprecated) fstat function of octave-3.4.3
*To completely uninstall a package
warning: function C:\Octave\Octave3.4.2_gcc4.5.2\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.0.10\fstat.m shadows a core library
        pkg uninstall <pkg_name>     

*For details, please see http://old.nabble.com/Octave-3.4.2-mingw-%2B-octaveforge-pkgs-to32394771.html
*This archive doesn't contain any editor! In order to install Notepad++ (recommended) as an editor:
**download the installation package from http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
**install, edit <code><your octave dir>\share\octave\site\m\startup\octaverc</code>
**un-comment the line which sets octave default editor:
    EDITOR('C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe');
*Upon launching, some warnings may be displayed. The following warnings can be ignored:
Following warning is about interpretation of logical operators (on scalars) in octave which is slightly different than matlab's interpretation.
    warning: C:\Octave\Octave3.4.2_gcc4.5.2\share\octave\packages\integration-1.0.7\PKG_ADD: possible Matlab-style short-circuit operator at line 9, column 32
Following warnings are about missing external tools which may reduce some of the functions of some packages. These external tools are not provided by the 7z archives in sourceforge.
    warning: gmsh does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
    warning: dx does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
Following warning is about fstat function of the statistics package that overloads the old (to be deprecated) fstat function of octave-3.4.3
    warning: function C:\Octave\Octave3.4.2_gcc4.5.2\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.0.10\fstat.m shadows a core library
*Octave Binaries are built by Tatsuro Matsuoka (http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/)
*Octave manual (<code>octave-3.4.2.pdf.zip, octave-3.4.2.html.zip</code>) can be downloaded from http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/

==Octave 3.2.4 for Windows MinGW32==
==Octave 3.2.4 for Windows MinGW32==

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