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=Standalone ports=
=Standalone ports=
==Octave 3.2.4 for Windows MinGW32==
==Octave-3.4.3-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==

*'''Download:''' http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave_Windows%20-%20MinGW/Octave%203.2.4%20for%20Windows%20MinGW32%20Installer/Octave-3.2.4_i686-pc-mingw32_gcc-4.4.0_setup.exe/download
#Octave-3.4.3-mingw (without pkgs)
*'''Maintainer:''' Benjamin Lindner
#: Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_20111025.7z - MD5:5AA004D933E000E762AE2AE95573ACBD - http://www.multiupload.com/KDQ1N463UW
*'''Latest release:''' 2010-03-25
#Octaveforge pkgs, built for Octave-3.4.3-mingw
#: Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_pkgs_20111026.7z - MD5:2987F6078B4AD161F2D23634D5109D61 - http://www.multiupload.com/7U6J23CSZ6
:The above  archive files are now able to be downloaded from
*'''Maintainer:''' Nitzan Arazi
*'''Latest update:''' 2011-10-26
*Packages are archived by 7zip. 7zip software can be download from http://www.7-zip.org/


*GNU Octave, version 3.2.4 (i686-pc-mingw32)
*GNU Octave, version 3.4.3 (i686-pc-mingw32)
*atlas 3.8.2
*A new fltk graphics_toolkit is available
*mingw32 (GCC 4.4.0 on http://www.mingw.org )
*gnuplot 4.4.3
*gnuplot Version 4.4.0 specially prepared for octave
*fig2dev 3.2.5c
*mini-MSYS 1.0.11
*ghostscript 9.0.2
*notepad++ 5.6.7 as text editor
*Some components of octave-forge packages  
*Msys + MinGW? tool chains
**actuarial-1.1.0 (New!)
*PDF and html documentation
*some Octave-forge packages  
**bim-1.0.0 (New!)
**fenv-0.1.0 (New!)
**fpl-1.0.0 (New!)
**general-1.2.0 (updated)
**generate_html-0.1.2 (New!)
**gnuplot-1.0.1 (New!)
**io-1.0.11 (updated)
**io-1.0.15 + supporting java jars
**java-1.2.7 (New!)
**java-1.2.8_patched + java.opts file
**jhandles-0.3.5 (New!)
**msh-1.0.0 (New!)
**nlwing2-1.1.1 (New!)
**nurbs-1.0.3 (New!)
**ocs-0.0.4 (New!)
**oct2mat-1.0.7 (New!)
**octcdf-1.0.17 (updated 1.0.17+)
**octgpr-1.1.5 (New!)
**odepkg-0.6.10 (updated)
**optim-1.0.12 (updated)
**simp-1.1.0 (New!)
**spline-gcvspl-1.0.8 (New!)
**symband-1.0.10 (New!)
**video-1.0.2 (New!)
**windows-1.0.8(updated to 1.0.8+)
===Installation of the Octave package===
*Read <code>readme.txt</code> in <code>Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_20111025.7z</code>
*Unzip to a directory which doesn't have space chars i.e. <code>C:\Octave\Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2\</code> keeping the directory structure in the archive.
*Copy <code>octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2.lnk</code> to any convenient location and edit its properties respectively to point to <code>bin\octave.exe</code> and <code>share\octave\3.4.3\imagelib\octave-logo.ico</code>.
*Copy <code>octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_docs.lnk<code> to any convenient location and edit its properties respectively to point to <code>doc\octave</code> and <code>share\octave\3.4.3\imagelib\octave-logo.ico</code>.
===Installation of the Octave-forge packages===
*Read <code>Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_pkgs_readme.txt</code> in <code>Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_pkgs_20111026.7z</code>.
*In order to update octave_packages database and auto-load most packages (excluding 'ad' and 'windows' which may crash octave when loaded and 'clear all' is executed), launch Octave and execute:
        pkg rebuild -auto
        pkg rebuild -noauto ad windows
        pkg rebuild -auto java
*Last pkg rebuild command is required in order for the java pkg entry to be moved to the top of share\octave\octave_packages db file - thus java pkg is loaded before io pkg is loaded, and io pkg related jars are added to java class path.
*You can adjust your installed packages status per your specific needs and usage by executing one of the following commands:
*To interactively load or unload a package
        pkg load <pkg_name>
        pkg unload <pkg_name>
*To disable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
        pkg rebuild -noauto <pkg_name>
*To enable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
        pkg rebuild -auto <pkg_name>
*To completely uninstall a package
        pkg uninstall <pkg_name>     

*Although there are some remaining known issues, some bugs reported to the octave-3.2.3 have been corrected. In addition, useful octave-forge packages are added (Java, Jhandles, ....). Please see [http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave_Windows%20-%20MinGW/Octave%203.2.4%20for%20Windows%20MinGW32%20Installer/RELEASE_NOTES-3.2.4.txt/download RELEASE_NOTES.txt] for details: 
*This archive doesn't contain any editor! In order to install Notepad++ (recommended) as an editor:
*Default Octave install folder changed to e.g. <code>C:\Octave\3.2.4_gcc-4.4.0\</code>.
**download the installation package from http://notepad-plus-plus.org/  
*:If you have installed octave in a folder where the path name has whitespace, for example, <code>C:\Program Files\</code>, 'pkg install (package name)' command '''will fail''': See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=4A1AF9EF.1000005@hotmail.com for details
**install, edit <code><your octave dir>\share\octave\site\m\startup\octaverc</code>
**un-comment the line which sets octave default editor:  
'''Additional important topics found after the release:'''
    EDITOR('C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe');
*It is reported that the oct2mat octave-forge package affects plot related commands. The purpose of the package is to convert m-file into matlab-compatible coding style. Please see the documentation of the octave-forge (oct2mat - freetb4matlab) from http://octave.sourceforge.net/functions_by_package.php)
*Upon launching, some warnings may be displayed. The following warnings can be ignored:
**Report for this problem: http://old.nabble.com/Re:-Octave-3.2.4-mingw32-available-p28053703.html
Following warning is about interpretation of logical operators (on scalars) in octave which is slightly different than matlab's interpretation.  
**Explanation of the problem: http://old.nabble.com/Re:-Octave-3.2.4-mingw32-available-p28090303.html
    warning: C:\Octave\3.4.3_gcc-4.5.2\share\octave\packages\integration-1.0.7\PKG_ADD: possible Matlab-style short-circuit operator at line 9, column 32
**Realistic solution at this moment, do not install the oct2mat package when you install octave with octave-forge packages if you do not use this package. Another solution is to execute
Following messages are from java package about loading of java classes that have been found and how to manually run a statement which will display its capabilities.  
      pkg rebuild -noauto oct2mat
    io PKG_ADD: java classes has been found and added in C:\Octave\3.4.3_gcc-4.5.2\bin
::at the octave prompt and then restart octave. The operation results in the oct2mat package not to be auto-loaded in startup. When you want to use oct2mat, execute
    io PKG_ADD: run chk_spreadsheet_support([],3) to view io support
      pkg load oct2mat
Following warnings are about missing external tools which may reduce some of the functions of some packages. These external tools are not provided by the 7z archives in sourceforge.  
*The plot octave-forge package still have ginput code although the ginput function is now merge into octave itself. Therefore conflict occur if the plot package is installed. To avoid this problem, rename 'ginput.m' in the folder <code>..\Octave\3.2.4_gcc-4.4.0\share\octave\packages\plot-1.0.7</code>, for example ginput.ob.m. In some computers which has one core CPU, response of ginput is very slow. In the case, modify '__gnuplot_ginput__.m' according to the following thread. http://old.nabble.com/ginput-on-Octave-3.2.4-mingw32-to28093888.html
    warning: gmsh does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
*From gnuplot-4.4.0, the default terminal of gnuplot for windows is the wxt terminal. Some users may set the GNUTERM environmental variable for the windows terminal being default. The gnuplot for windows allows to set GNUTERM to 'win' (abbreviated form) but octave does not recognize the abbreviated form for terminal name. If one would like set GNUTERM to windows terminal, one should specify it as 'windows' (full form) but not 'win' (abbreviated form). In detail see the following thread: http://old.nabble.com/flicking-problem-again-Octave-3.2.4-mingw32-td28038688.html
    warning: dx does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
Following warning is about fstat function of the statistics package that overloads the old (to be deprecated) fstat function of octave-3.4.3
    warning: function C:\Octave\3.4.3_gcc-4.5.2\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.0.10\fstat.m shadows a core library function
*Octave Binaries are built using Tatsuro Matsuka OctaveLibs.zip and gplibs.zip (http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/)

==Octave-3.4.2-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==
==Octave-3.4.2-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==
Line 238: Line 288:
*Octave manual (<code>octave-3.4.2.pdf.zip, octave-3.4.2.html.zip</code>) can be downloaded from http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/
*Octave manual (<code>octave-3.4.2.pdf.zip, octave-3.4.2.html.zip</code>) can be downloaded from http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/

==Octave-3.4.3-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==
==Octave 3.2.4 for Windows MinGW32==

#Octave-3.4.3-mingw (without pkgs)
*'''Download:''' http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave_Windows%20-%20MinGW/Octave%203.2.4%20for%20Windows%20MinGW32%20Installer/Octave-3.2.4_i686-pc-mingw32_gcc-4.4.0_setup.exe/download
#: Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_20111025.7z - MD5:5AA004D933E000E762AE2AE95573ACBD - http://www.multiupload.com/KDQ1N463UW
*'''Maintainer:''' Benjamin Lindner
#Octaveforge pkgs, built for Octave-3.4.3-mingw
*'''Latest release:''' 2010-03-25
#: Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_pkgs_20111026.7z - MD5:2987F6078B4AD161F2D23634D5109D61 - http://www.multiupload.com/7U6J23CSZ6
:The above  archive files are now able to be downloaded from
*'''Maintainer:''' Nitzan Arazi
*'''Latest update:''' 2011-10-26
*Packages are archived by 7zip. 7zip software can be download from http://www.7-zip.org/


*GNU Octave, version 3.4.3 (i686-pc-mingw32)
*GNU Octave, version 3.2.4 (i686-pc-mingw32)
*A new fltk graphics_toolkit is available
*atlas 3.8.2
*gnuplot 4.4.3
*mingw32 (GCC 4.4.0 on http://www.mingw.org )
*fig2dev 3.2.5c
*gnuplot Version 4.4.0 specially prepared for octave
*ghostscript 9.0.2
*mini-MSYS 1.0.11
*notepad++ 5.6.7 as text editor
*Msys + MinGW? tool chains
*Some components of octave-forge packages  
*PDF and html documentation
**actuarial-1.1.0 (New!)
*some Octave-forge packages  
**bim-1.0.0 (New!)
**fenv-0.1.0 (New!)
**fpl-1.0.0 (New!)
**general-1.2.0 (updated)
**generate_html-0.1.2 (New!)
**gnuplot-1.0.1 (New!)
**io-1.0.15 + supporting java jars
**io-1.0.11 (updated)
**java-1.2.8_patched + java.opts file
**java-1.2.7 (New!)
**jhandles-0.3.5 (New!)
**msh-1.0.0 (New!)
**nlwing2-1.1.1 (New!)
**nurbs-1.0.3 (New!)
**ocs-0.0.4 (New!)
**oct2mat-1.0.7 (New!)
**octcdf-1.0.17 (updated 1.0.17+)
**octgpr-1.1.5 (New!)
**odepkg-0.6.10 (updated)
**optim-1.0.12 (updated)
**simp-1.1.0 (New!)
**spline-gcvspl-1.0.8 (New!)
**symband-1.0.10 (New!)
**video-1.0.2 (New!)
**windows-1.0.8(updated to 1.0.8+)

===Installation of the Octave package===
*Although there are some remaining known issues, some bugs reported to the octave-3.2.3 have been corrected. In addition, useful octave-forge packages are added (Java, Jhandles, ....). Please see [http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave_Windows%20-%20MinGW/Octave%203.2.4%20for%20Windows%20MinGW32%20Installer/RELEASE_NOTES-3.2.4.txt/download RELEASE_NOTES.txt] for details: 
*Default Octave install folder changed to e.g. <code>C:\Octave\3.2.4_gcc-4.4.0\</code>.
*:If you have installed octave in a folder where the path name has whitespace, for example, <code>C:\Program Files\</code>, 'pkg install (package name)' command '''will fail''': See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=4A1AF9EF.1000005@hotmail.com for details

*Read <code>readme.txt</code> in <code>Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_20111025.7z</code>
'''Additional important topics found after the release:'''
*Unzip to a directory which doesn't have space chars i.e. <code>C:\Octave\Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2\</code> keeping the directory structure in the archive.
*It is reported that the oct2mat octave-forge package affects plot related commands. The purpose of the package is to convert m-file into matlab-compatible coding style. Please see the documentation of the octave-forge (oct2mat - freetb4matlab) from http://octave.sourceforge.net/functions_by_package.php)
*Copy <code>octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2.lnk</code> to any convenient location and edit its properties respectively to point to <code>bin\octave.exe</code> and <code>share\octave\3.4.3\imagelib\octave-logo.ico</code>.
**Report for this problem: http://old.nabble.com/Re:-Octave-3.2.4-mingw32-available-p28053703.html
*Copy <code>octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_docs.lnk<code> to any convenient location and edit its properties respectively to point to <code>doc\octave</code> and <code>share\octave\3.4.3\imagelib\octave-logo.ico</code>.
**Explanation of the problem: http://old.nabble.com/Re:-Octave-3.2.4-mingw32-available-p28090303.html
**Realistic solution at this moment, do not install the oct2mat package when you install octave with octave-forge packages if you do not use this package. Another solution is to execute
===Installation of the Octave-forge packages===
      pkg rebuild -noauto oct2mat
::at the octave prompt and then restart octave. The operation results in the oct2mat package not to be auto-loaded in startup. When you want to use oct2mat, execute
*Read <code>Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_pkgs_readme.txt</code> in <code>Octave3.4.3_gcc4.5.2_pkgs_20111026.7z</code>.
      pkg load oct2mat
*In order to update octave_packages database and auto-load most packages (excluding 'ad' and 'windows' which may crash octave when loaded and 'clear all' is executed), launch Octave and execute:
*The plot octave-forge package still have ginput code although the ginput function is now merge into octave itself. Therefore conflict occur if the plot package is installed. To avoid this problem, rename 'ginput.m' in the folder <code>..\Octave\3.2.4_gcc-4.4.0\share\octave\packages\plot-1.0.7</code>, for example ginput.ob.m. In some computers which has one core CPU, response of ginput is very slow. In the case, modify '__gnuplot_ginput__.m' according to the following thread. http://old.nabble.com/ginput-on-Octave-3.2.4-mingw32-to28093888.html
        pkg rebuild -auto
*From gnuplot-4.4.0, the default terminal of gnuplot for windows is the wxt terminal. Some users may set the GNUTERM environmental variable for the windows terminal being default. The gnuplot for windows allows to set GNUTERM to 'win' (abbreviated form) but octave does not recognize the abbreviated form for terminal name. If one would like set GNUTERM to windows terminal, one should specify it as 'windows' (full form) but not 'win' (abbreviated form). In detail see the following thread: http://old.nabble.com/flicking-problem-again-Octave-3.2.4-mingw32-td28038688.html
        pkg rebuild -noauto ad windows
        pkg rebuild -auto java
*Last pkg rebuild command is required in order for the java pkg entry to be moved to the top of share\octave\octave_packages db file - thus java pkg is loaded before io pkg is loaded, and io pkg related jars are added to java class path.
*You can adjust your installed packages status per your specific needs and usage by executing one of the following commands:
*To interactively load or unload a package
        pkg load <pkg_name>
        pkg unload <pkg_name>
*To disable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
        pkg rebuild -noauto <pkg_name>
*To enable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
        pkg rebuild -auto <pkg_name>
*To completely uninstall a package
        pkg uninstall <pkg_name>     
*This archive doesn't contain any editor! In order to install Notepad++ (recommended) as an editor:
**download the installation package from http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
**install, edit <code><your octave dir>\share\octave\site\m\startup\octaverc</code>
**un-comment the line which sets octave default editor:
    EDITOR('C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe');
*Upon launching, some warnings may be displayed. The following warnings can be ignored:
Following warning is about interpretation of logical operators (on scalars) in octave which is slightly different than matlab's interpretation.  
    warning: C:\Octave\3.4.3_gcc-4.5.2\share\octave\packages\integration-1.0.7\PKG_ADD: possible Matlab-style short-circuit operator at line 9, column 32
Following messages are from java package about loading of java classes that have been found and how to manually run a statement which will display its capabilities.  
    io PKG_ADD: java classes has been found and added in C:\Octave\3.4.3_gcc-4.5.2\bin
    io PKG_ADD: run chk_spreadsheet_support([],3) to view io support
Following warnings are about missing external tools which may reduce some of the functions of some packages. These external tools are not provided by the 7z archives in sourceforge.  
    warning: gmsh does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
    warning: dx does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
Following warning is about fstat function of the statistics package that overloads the old (to be deprecated) fstat function of octave-3.4.3
    warning: function C:\Octave\3.4.3_gcc-4.5.2\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.0.10\fstat.m shadows a core library function
*Octave Binaries are built using Tatsuro Matsuka OctaveLibs.zip and gplibs.zip (http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/)

=Octave on Cygwin=
=Octave on Cygwin=


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