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→‎Suggested projects: add Chebfun project
(→‎Suggested projects: add roadmap to potential idea sources)
(→‎Suggested projects: add Chebfun project)
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* '''Potential mentors'''
* '''Potential mentors'''
: [ Andreas Bertsatos]
: [ Andreas Bertsatos]
== Port Chebfun to Octave and Improve Classdef support in Octave by porting Chebfun ==
[| Chebfun] uses interpolation to approximate functions to very high accuracy, giving numerical computing that feels like symbolic computing.
The software is implemented as collection of "classdef" classes and is Free and Open Source Software.
However, Chebfun does not yet work with Octave, largely due to differences and issues with Octave's classdef implementation.
This project has two aims: (1) make changes to the Chebfun code to make it work on Octave and (2) improve Octave's classdef functionality.
Some initial steps toward to first goal can be found on [| this octave_dev branch].
The second goal will likely involve a collaborative effort because classdef is a priority on [| Octave's Development Roadmap] and because other proposed projects also involve classdef.
* '''Project size''' [[#Project sizes | [?]]] and '''Difficulty'''
: ~350 hours (hard)
* '''Required skills'''
: Octave, object-oriented programming, polynomial interpolation and approximation theory, C++.
* '''Potential mentors'''
: [ Colin B. Macdonald]



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