Contributing to the development of packages/modules: Difference between revisions

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About the difference between old and new releases, Octave Forge used to be one single large project. Now each package is released indidually and have their own independent development. As such, there used to be Makefile everywhere as variables would propagate. When the split was made, unmaintained packages, such as video, kept the old Makefiles (because no one removed them). The Makefile at the root of package for example does nothing.
About the difference between old and new releases, Octave Forge used to be one single large project. Now each package is released indidually and have their own independent development. As such, there used to be Makefile everywhere as variables would propagate. When the split was made, unmaintained packages, such as video, kept the old Makefiles (because no one removed them). The Makefile at the root of package for example does nothing.

== See also ==
[[Category:Outdated pages]]

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