Zeromq package

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The zeromq package is part of the Octave Forge project and provides Octave bindings to the ZeroMQ library.


package requirements

The zeromq package requires the ZeroMQ libraries and include files to be installed in order to compile.

for fedora: yum install zeromq-devel

for ubuntu: apt install libzmq-dev

octave installation

With the ZeroMQ library installed, from octave commmand line:

>> pkg install -forge zeromq

Using it

Load it before any usage:

>> pkg load zeromq

Look at the quick reference for the package:

 >> help zeromq

Differences between C and Octave bindings

The Octave binding is a subset of the C binding of the ZeroMQ library.

Major differences are:

1. The octave binding creates a single zeromq context that is used for all zeromq sockets. In the C bindings, the programmer must create a context and use it during socket creation.

2. only limited zmq_getsockopt and zmq_setsockopt is currently implemented.

3. functions mostly return true or false for whether they succeeded or failed. In the C binding, 0 signififed success.

The functions

         Bind a zeromq socket to a endpoint.
         Close a zeromq socket.
         Connect a zeromq socket to a endpoint
         Get system errno value.
         Get current value of a zeromq socket option.
         Poll a socket or sockets for a timeout or incoming data
         Attempt to read data from a zeromq socket.
         Attempt to send data from a zeromq socket.
         Set a zeromq socket option.
         Get the last zmq error string.
         Unbind a previously bound zeromq socket.
         Get the zeromq library version numbers.


basic request/reply pattern

Example based on client/server example from

The client sends a "Hello" to the server which responds back "World". No error checking or data validation is done in the example.

Code: Server code
% zeromq package must be installed and loaded to work
pkg load zeromq

% dont buffer output
more off

printf ("Creating hello world server...\n");

% create reply socket, and bind it to port 5555
sock = zmq_socket (ZMQ_REP);

zmq_bind (sock, "tcp://*:5555");
printf ("Waiting for clients ...\n");
% loop forever, waiting for client requests and responding back  
while (true)
  recievedata = zmq_recv (sock, 10, 0);
  printf ("Received Hello\n");
  zmq_send (sock, "World", 5, 0);
Code: Client code
% zeromq package must be installed and loaded to work
pkg load zeromq

% dont buffer output
more off

printf ("Connecting to hello world server...\n");

% Create socket and connect to server

sock = zmq_socket (ZMQ_REQ);
zmq_connect (sock, "tcp://localhost:5555");

for request_nbr = [1:10]
  printf ("Sending Hello %d...\n", request_nbr);

  zmq_send (sock, uint8("Hello"), 5, 0);
  % try to read up to 10 bytes of reply data.
  printf ("Waiting for server response %d... (Ctrl-C to exit)\n", request_nbr); 

  recieved = zmq_recv (sock, 10, 0);
  printf ("Received World %d\n", request_nbr);
zmq_close (sock);

basic publish subscribe

Example based on client/server example from

The server pushes 'weather updates' for random zipcodes. The client subscribes to the server just for zipcode 10001.

Code: Server code
% zeromq package must be installed and loaded to work
pkg load zeromq

% dont buffer output
more off

publisher = zmq_socket (ZMQ_PUB);

rc = zmq_bind (publisher, "tcp://*:5556");
assert (rc);

while (true) 
  %  Get values that will fool the boss
  zipcode     = 10000 + randi (20);
  temperature = randi (215) - 80;
  relhumidity = randi (50) + 10;

  %  Send message to all subscribers
  update = sprintf ("%05d %d %d", zipcode, temperature, relhumidity);
  zmq_send (publisher, update);

zmq_close (publisher);
Code: Client code
% zeromq package must be installed and loaded to work
pkg load zeromq

% dont buffer output
more off

subscriber = zmq_socket (ZMQ_SUB);
rc = zmq_connect (subscriber, "tcp://localhost:5556");
assert (rc);

%  Subscribe to zipcode, default is NYC, 10001
zipfilter = "10001 ";
rc = zmq_setsockopt (subscriber, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, zipfilter);
assert (rc);

%  Process 100 updates
update_nbr = 0;
total_temp = 0;

for update_nbr = 1:100
  string = char( zmq_recv(subscriber, 128) );

  [zipcode, temperature, relhumidity, count, errmsg] = sscanf (string, "%d %d %d", "C");
  fprintf ("recieved a temp for zipcode '%s' of %dF\n", ...
     zipfilter, temperature);

  total_temp += temperature;

fprintf ("Average temperature for zipcode '%s' was %dF\n", ...
  zipfilter, (total_temp / update_nbr));

zmq_close (subscriber);