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Revision as of 15:24, 17 April 2013 by Ketamin (talk | contribs) (A little about me)
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An introduction

I'm a PhD student and a Octave/Matlab enthusiast. I speak spanish, english and a little portuguese. I'm currently working on numeric methods for electromagnetism. I'd like to participate in GSoC 2013 in order to enter to the open source community and I'd like to contribute with Octave because it has been a very useful tool and a great alternative to Matlab which I use a lot.

I might be using the same nickname in the IRC chat that I'm using here: ketamin.

I'm currently on the UTC−03:00 time zone, it will change at the end of the year, so I guess that won't be a problem.

I have some experience with C/C++ and much more experience with m-scripts. Also, I've used some mailing lists and some minor contributions to Wikipedia. I know how to use gcc but I haven't mastered make yet.

The first time I had contact with Octave was as an alternative to Matlab in Linux. Despite there are Matlab versions for Linux, the Octave package is easier to install in Ubuntu and it's free!

My computer only has Windows installed but I use Ubuntu in a VirtualBox virtual machine from time to time. I'm willing to dedicate 4 or 5 hours daily including weekends.

When I'm writing code I like to explode new ways to do the same task, so I would say that I need to be assessed to know when to stop.

I'd like to work in the eig function support or in the PDE functions implementation.