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= Public application for GSoC =

== A: An introduction ==
* Hello, my name is John Wamba, I am a fourth year undergraduate Computer Engineering student at Cal Poly Pomona
** My native and primary language is English.
** I am in my fourth year, majoring in Computer Engineering with a minor in Computer Science, I have taken classes from FPGA hardware design to Control Theory, however my main interest is Software Design.
* I think that this would be a great learning experience for me as well as a way to help provide free tools that others may use and enjoy.
** I have not participated in GSoC before and it seems like a fun and rewarding experience.
* I have used Octave as an alternative to MATLAB for my school work and I would love to contribute back by helping create new or better tools for people to use and to make Octave more available to new users or people coming from MATLAB.
== C: Contact ==
* On IRC or other forms of internet communication, i generally go by '''jwamba'''.
* I live in California, USA, which is on UTC-7 during the summer.
* In UTC+0 I am most comfortable working between 18:00 - 5:00 ( 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM PDT ), however these hours can be very flexible. 
== E: Coding experience ==
This part is one of the more important ones in your application. You are allowed to be as verbose as you want, as long as you stay on topic ;-)
* I have been using C++ for about two and a half years and MATLAB for about one and a half, both for academic projects for my classes for my Computer Engineering major.
* I have also used Java for about one and a half years for my Computer Science minor.
* I have grouped up, with two other people on separate occasions, for a couple of academic project.  The first one was an Android application that displayed a spectrogram of in imputed audio file, and the other is an ongoing senior class project where we are making a lighting control system using a Kinect as an input for a user to control the lights in a house.
* The biggest project I have worked on is my lighting project above.  I have written python scripts to interface a laptop with the Kinect connected to the device we are using (a BeagleBone Black) as well as designed the circuit to use for our house model.  From this, so far I have learned about the device we are using as well as data transfer techniques. 
* I have not yet contributed to Octave.
== F: Feeling fine ==
* Please describe (in short) your experience with the following tools: ''We only use this question to determine where you need guidance, not for rating!  We by no means expect you to be familiar with all of these and you'll won't necessarily need them while working with us.''
** I don't have much experience with IRC and mailing lists, but I can use them if necessary.
** I have used Mercurial for the Android project stated above.
** I have not used Mediawiki or other wiki software
** I have used gcc to compile some of my own C programs and I have used make to compile some projects I downloaded online.  I have also used Valgrind to fix a memory error in a C program.
* I would like to see Octave gain a lot of tools present in MATLAB (and maybe more), so even if I do not participate in GSoC, I would likely contribute at some point in the future.
== O: Only out of interest ==
* Yes, I have known about Octave for a little less than a year.
** I was looking for an alternative to MATLAB
* When I was new to Octave, it took me a while to find out a few of the functions that differ between Octave and MATLAB as well as what is included in a default install.
== P: Prerequisites ==
* I primarily run openSUSE 13.1 on my desktop, however I also have a laptop running Windows 8 for windows specific tasks.
** I have full access to these machines at any time.
* I will have access to my computer and an internet connection 24 hours a day.
* I can do a full install of any software. 
== S: Self-assessment ==
* I feel that criticism is necessary to help provide a better learning experience.
* How autonomous are you when developing? ''If you answer both subquestions with "Yes, definitely", we are a tad confused. ;-)''
** I do like to plan some basic steps and have an idea of where I am going, however once developing I find it is helpful to have working pieces to analyze to see what direction to go next.
== Y: Your task ==
* Yes, I choose one of the proposals.
** I would like to help with Qucs, the electronic circuit simulator.  The site says the main goal would be to implement a synchronous transient analysis simulation tool and that sounds like a great project.  After the initial goal is completed, I would like to help develop more tools for the other analysis types states.[]
'''Rough Timeline'''
* First few weeks - Learning and playing with the Octave ode solvers, as well as any other tools needed, and planning out the project specifications.
* Weeks before midterms - Start progress
* Rest of the time - Finish initial goal and work on other interfaces.
** This is a very rough schedule and will most likely be subject to change based on project specifications.
**It should be noted that I will still be in school until June 13, however I still plan on working as much as I can during that time.
[[Category: Summer of Code]]

Latest revision as of 01:27, 28 October 2014