Octave Basics: Difference between revisions

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<tt>== | > | < | >= | <= | != | | || | | & | && | ! | if | else | elseif | for | while |end | break | continue | pause</tt>
<tt>== | > | < | >= | <= | != | | || | | & | && | ! | if | else | elseif | for | while |end | break | continue | pause</tt>
  for i = 1:5 if (i < 3) disp (i) else disp (i^2) end end &crarr;
  for i = 1:5 if (i < 3) disp (i) else disp (i^2) end end &crarr;
= See also =
[https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-octave/2013-01/pdfoEurT8AZ7Z.pdf GNU OCTAVE CARD by Fotios Kasolis]
