OctConf 2017

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OctConf 2017 will take place at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland for three days from March 20 through March 22. To register officially, please use the CERN conference manager Indico. In addition, *please* add your name to the Participants section of this page so we can plan appropriately.


Geneva, Switzerland


The upcoming Octconf 2017 will take place at CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN.



The conference will run for three days from Monday, March 20th through Wednesday, March 22nd.

Suggestions for Sessions

Approximately half of each day will be devoted to presentations. The remainder will be used for informal discussions, code sprints, etc.

Please propose session topics in the schedule below. The actual time slot you pick is not important--we can re-arrange the schedule later--but we need to know what topics are of interest.

In addition, if you have a poster, rather than a full presentation, there is a separate sign-up sheet below.


  • We need to fill up the timetable. Not knowing how you organized the previous Octave conferences and not being Octave developers, we rely on you guys. From our side, I just reiterate what John Evans wrote on Nov 22,

[OPENING SESSION - for which we reserved the CERN Main Auditorium] I have some comments regarding the session concerning the potential use of Octave at CERN. Would it be possible that this be made an open session? We have 4-500 MATLAB users so there is hope that it could be well attended. I could try and find some user(s) at CERN using Octave for a "big" project that they'd be willing to present. Failing that, maybe an Octave expert could present Octave and its uses and future developments.

[WE SHOULD FORESEE THIS DISCUSSION] Would anybody be willing and brave enough to look at CERN-supplied MATLAB code and see if it could be done in Octave?

[POSTER SESSION AND SOCIALIZING] How many posters are there usually in the poster session? Would it make sense to have this "how Octave can replace MATLAB (and other) tools" session followed by the poster session? We could arrange refreshments to encourage people to hang around for possible follow-ups.

  • regarding "social activities" :
 ** We can offer, as I mentioned, a visit to some interesting CERN sites. This can take from a few to several hours. It could be planned for Wednesday afternoon.
 ** For the evening of Monday, or of Tuesday, we thought we could have a "Fondue" dinner downtown Geneva.  There are good and affordable Fondue restaurants that can be reached by tram within 30/40 minutes from CERN.
 ** During the daytime: CERN offers many areas where people can socialize and/or discuss, informally. For instance, the CERN main restaurant is open until 11pm.

Time Monday




10:00-10:15 Coffee Coffee Coffee






12:00-12:30 Discussion Discussion


Lunch Lunch Lunch




15:45-16:00 Coffee Coffee Coffee









Poster Session

If you have a poster demonstrating how you use Octave to address an application in your field please add your name and poster topic to the list below. We will schedule an appropriately sized space based on the number of posters.

Confirmed Posters:

Title Author



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