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== History and Motivation ==
== History and Motivation ==
OCS was developed during the CoMSON (Coupled Multiscale Simulation and Optimization) project which involved several universities but also several industrial partners.
Each of the industrial partners at the time was using its own circuit simulation software and each software had different file formats for circuit netlists.
Given the purposes of the project and the composition of the consortium the main design objectives for OCS where
* provide a format for "element evaluators" independent of time-stepping algorithms
* provide a "hierarchical" data structure where elements could be composed themselves of lumped-element networks
* allow coupling of lumped-element networks (0D) and 1D/2D/3D device models
* use an intermediate/interchange file format so that none of the formats in use by the industrial partners would be favoured over the others
* be written in an interpreted language for quick prototyping and easy maintainance
* be Free Software
== Problem Formulation ==
== Problem Formulation ==
The circuit description in OCS is based on (a variant of) modified nodal analysis (MNA) model for lumped-element networks.
It is easy to verify that the common charge/flux-based MNA model is a special case of the model presented below.
We consider a circuit with M elements and N nodes, the core of the MNA model is a set of N equations of the form
\sum_{{m}=1}^{M}  F_{mn} =  0
n = 1, \, \ldots \, ,N
where <math>F_{mn}</math> denotes the current from the node n due to element m.
The equations above are the Kirchhoff current law (KCL) for each of the electrical nodes of the network.
The currents can be expressed in terms of the node voltages <math>e</math> and the internal variables <math>r_m \; (m = 1\ldots M)</math>
F_{mn} =
A_{mn} \dot{r}_{m} + J_{mn} \left({e}, {r}_{m} \right)
n = 1, \, \ldots \, ,N \\
m = 1, \, \ldots \, ,M
Notice that the variables <math>{{r}}_{m}</math> only appear in the equations defining the fluxes relative to the m-th element, for this reason they are sometimes referred to as internal variables of the m-th element.
The full MNA model is finally obtained by substituting the current definitions in the KCL and complementing it with a suitable number <math>I_{m}</math> of constitutive relations for the internal variables of each element
\sum_{{m}=1}^{M} \left[
\ A_{mn} \dot{{r}}_{m} +
J_{mn} \left( {e}, {r}_{m} \right)
\right] = 0
{n} = 1, \, \ldots \, ,N
B_{mi} \dot{{r}}_{m} +
Q_{mi}\ \left( {e}, {r}_{m}  \right) = 0 \qquad
{i} = 1, \, \ldots \, ,{I}_m \\
{m} = 1, \, \ldots \, ,M
Notice that the assumption that only time derivatives of internal variables appear above and that terms involving such derivatives are linear does not impose restrictions on the applicability of the model.
== Data Structure ==
== Data Structure ==
A circuit is represented in OCS by a struct variable with the fields listed below
{{Code|OCS structure format |<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
cir_struct =
  LCR:  struct      % the fields of LCR are shown below
  NLC:  struct      % NLC has the same fields as LCR
  namesn: matrix    % numbers of vars that are assigned a name in and.nms
  namess: cell      % the names corresponding to the vars above
  totextvar: scalar % the total number of external variables
  totintvar: scalar % the total number of internal variables
outstruct.LCR =
  1x2 struct array containing the fields: % array has one element per block
    func    % name of the sbn file corresponding to each block
    section  % string parameter to be passed to the sbn files
    nextvar  % number of external variables for each element of the block
    vnmatrix % numbers of the external variables of each element
    nintvar  % number of internal variables for each element of the block
    osintvar % number of the first internal variable
    npar    % number of parameters
    nparnames% number of parameter names
    nrows    % number of rows in the block
    parnames % list of parameter names
    pvmatrix % list of parameter values for each element
== File Formats ==
== File Formats ==

Line 61: Line 160:
* n_parnames" Is the number of parameter names for the elements of a block, it corresponds to the number of par name entries. If "n_parnames" is 0 the line with the "par_names" is missing.
* n_parnames" Is the number of parameter names for the elements of a block, it corresponds to the number of par name entries. If "n_parnames" is 0 the line with the "par_names" is missing.
* "pv_matrix" Is a list of n_rows x n_par numbers separated by any character the Octave command "s=fscanf(file,%g)" would consider whitespace (including "\n"). Every row (a set of n par contiguous entries) in "pv_matrix" refers to an element of the circuit. The "n_par" numbers in a row represent the values of the parameters to be passed to the function that evaluates that element.
* "pv_matrix" Is a list of n_rows x n_par numbers separated by any character the Octave command "s=fscanf(file,%g)" would consider whitespace (including "\n"). Every row (a set of n par contiguous entries) in "pv_matrix" refers to an element of the circuit. The "n_par" numbers in a row represent the values of the parameters to be passed to the function that evaluates that element.
* "vnum_matrix" Is a list of "n_rows" x "n_extvar" numbers separated by any character the Octave command "s=fscanf(file,%g)" would consider white-space (including \n).
* "vnum_matrix" Is a list of "n_rows" x "n_extvar" numbers separated by any character the Octave command "s=fscanf(file,%g)" would consider white-space (including \n). Every row (a set of "n_extvar" contiguous entries) in "vnum_matrix" refers to an element of the circuit. The "n_extvar" numbers in the row represent the global numbering of the element external variables.
Every row (a set of "n_extvar" contiguous entries) in "vnum_matrix" refers to an element of the circuit. The "n_extvar" numbers in the row represent the global numbering of the element external variables.
==== NMS files ====
NMS files are meant to contain the names of the circuit variables, the format of NMS is
just a list of variable names one on each row preceded by the variable number:
{{Code|CIR file format |<syntaxhighlight lang="text" style="font-size:13px">
nms := version id ’\n’ comment∗ line∗ ; line := var number var name ;
var number := number ;
var name := string ;
the variable are ordered as follows:
* first all external variables of all elements in the order given by the global numbering of external variables as explicitly written in the CIR files
* then the internal variables of the elements in the same order as the corresponding elements appear in the CIR file ( internal variables of non-linear elements first, then those of linear elements)
Notice that the number of internal variables of each element is not included in the IFF files. This is because elements with a number of internal variables that is huge, that depends on the value of some parameter, or even that changes in time (for example distributed elements treated with a FEM with adaptive meshing, a large linear sub- circuit that is reduce via MOR...) and therefore it is more convenient to compute the number of internal variables when initializing the system.
==== SBN files ====
SBN files are Octave functions, implemented as M-scripts or as DLD functions,
with the following signature
{{Code|Model evaluator file for simple MOSFET models |<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
function [a, b, c] =...
func (string , pvmatrix(i ,:) , extvar , intvar , t)
i.e. it should get as inputs:
* the string entry of the "block_header"
* one row of the "pv_matrix" entry of the "block"
* the current values of all internal and external variables
* the current time
and it should produce as outputs three matrices:
* <math>a, b \in \mathbb{R}^{({n_{extvar}} + {n_{intvar}})
\times ({n_{extvar}} + {n_{intvar})}}</math>
* <math>c \in \mathbb{R}^{({n_{extvar}} + {n_{intvar}})}</math>
where "n_intvar" is the number of internal variables that can be assembled in the complete system matrices.

=== SPICE netlists ===
=== SPICE netlists ===
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=== A circuit with a linear VCVS ===
To parse an IFF format netlist of the VCVS circuit  we can use the following command
{{Code|Load the VCVS circuit structure parsing an IFF netlist |<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
outstruct = prs_iff ("vcvs");
The IFF netlist consists of the .cir file named "vcvs.cir" shown below
{{Code|IFF netlist for the VCVS circuit (.cir file)|<syntaxhighlight lang="text" style="font-size:13px">
% A Simple linear VCVS example
% Input voltage sources
Mvoltagesources sinwave 2 4
1 4
Ampl      f      delay    shift
1        1      0.0      0.0
1 0
Mvcvs LIN 4 1
1 1
2 0 1 0
% Resistor
Mresistors LIN  2 1
1 1
1 2
and of the .nms file named "and.nms shown below
{{Code|IFF netlist for the VCVS circuit (.nms file)|<syntaxhighlight lang="text" style="font-size:13px">
% 0.1b1
1 V_controller
2 V_controlled
The implementation for the VCVS with linear gain is shown below
{{Code|Model evaluator file for simple VCVS model |<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
function [a,b,c] = Mvcvs (string, parameters, parameternames, extvar,
                          intvar, t)
  if isempty(intvar)
    intvar = 0;
  switch string
      ##LCR part
    case "LIN"
      for ii=1:length(parameternames)
eval([parameternames{ii} "=" num2str(parameters(ii)) ";"])
      j = intvar (1);
      Vin = extvar (3) - extvar (4);
      V = Vin * Gain;
      a = zeros (5);     
      b = [0  0  0    0    1;
          0  0  0    0    -1;
          0  0  0    0    0;
          0  0  0    0    0;
          1 -1  -Gain  Gain  0];
      c = [0 0 0 0 0];
      error (["unknown section:" string])
[[File:VCVS_result.png|thumb| Result of the VCVS simulation]]
To run a simulation with this circuit use the following commands:
{{Code|Run a simple transient simulation with the VCVS circuit |<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
>> x = [0 0 0 0]';
>> t = linspace(0,1,50);
>> [out, niter] = tst_backward_euler (outstruct, x, t, 1e-6, 100, pltvars, [0 1]);
=== Creating a model for a memristor device ===
To demonstrate how to write a model evaluator file (SBN file), we
will discuss the simplest memristor model shown in this paper by [[User:KaKiLa| KaKiLa]] et al. (Carbajal, J. P. et al.(2015). [http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/NECO_a_00694?journalCode=neco#.VgFNn9tSukp Memristor models for machine learning]. Neural Computation, 27(3). Learning; Materials Science. doi:10.1162/NECO_a_00694</ref>
The device model is presented in the original paper as
\dot{x} = \mu I(t)\\
H(x) = \left\{
        R \qquad x \le 0\\
        R - (R - r) x \qquad 0 < x < 1\\
        r \qquad x > 1
V(t) = H(x) I(t)
The first thing to do is to change the model from impedance to admittance form
and write the constitutive relation for the internal variable in an "implicit form"
  \dfrac{1}{\mu} \dot{x} + Q(V(t), x(t)) = \dfrac{1}{\mu} \dot{x} - I(t) = 0\\
  H(x) = \left\{
        R \qquad x \le 0\\
        R - (R - r) x \qquad 0 < x < 1\\
        r \qquad x > 1
I(t) = \dfrac{V(t)}{H(x)}
It is then useful to compute the derivatives for the current and for the constitutive relation
  \dfrac{\partial I}{\partial x} = -\dfrac{H'(x)}{H(x)^2}
  \dfrac{\partial I}{\partial V} = \dfrac{1}{H}
H'(x) = \left\{
        0 \qquad x \le 0\\
        - (R - r) \qquad 0 < x < 1\\
        0 \qquad x > 1
Next we define external variables (pin voltages) for the device and coupling variables (pin currents)
  N.B. the convention in existing device models is that pin currents are
      assumed to be entering the device
i^{+} = I(t)\\
i^{-} = -I(t)\\
V(t) = v^{+} - v^{-}
Now define the local state vector
z =
and the local equations
a \dot{z} + c(z) = 0
and finally define the local matrices for the memristor element
a = \left[\begin{array}{c c c} 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & \dfrac{1}{\mu}\end{array}\right]
c(z) = \left[\begin{array}{c}\dfrac{V}{H}\\[2mm] -\dfrac{V}{H}\end{array}\right]
b(z) = \dfrac{\partial c}{\partial z} =
\begin{array}{c c c}
\dfrac{\partial I}{\partial V} & -\dfrac{\partial I}{\partial V} & \dfrac{\partial I}{\partial x}\\[2mm]
-\dfrac{\partial I}{\partial V} & +\dfrac{\partial I}{\partial V} & -\dfrac{\partial I}{\partial x}\\[2mm]
-\dfrac{\partial I}{\partial V} & +\dfrac{\partial I}{\partial V} & -\dfrac{\partial I}{\partial x}\\[2mm]
The resulting model implementation is the following
{{Code| memristor model implementation|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave">
function [a,b,c] = Mmemristors (string, parameters, parameternames,
                                extvar, intvar, t)
  if isempty(intvar)
    intvar = 0;
  switch string       
    case "STRUKOV"
      ## NLC part
      for ii=1:length(parameternames)
eval([parameternames{ii} "=" num2str(parameters(ii)) ";"])
      v1 = extvar(1);
      v2 = extvar(2);
      x  = intvar(1);
      if (x <= 0)
        H = RH;
        Hp = 0;
      elseif (x > 0 && x < 1)
        H = RH - (RH - RL) * x;
        Hp = - (RH - RL);
        H = RL;
        Hp = 0;
      I  = (v1-v2) / H;
      i1 = I;
      i2 = -I;
      dIdx = - Hp / H^2;
      dIdV = 1 / H;
      a = zeros (3);
      a(3, 3) = 1/ MU;
      b = [dIdV  -dIdV dIdx;
          -dIdV dIdV  -dIdx;
          -dIdV dIdV  -dIdx];
      c = [i1 i2 i2]';
      error (["unknown section:" string])
As an example let's run a simulation by applying a sinusoidal signal with varying
{{Code| memristor model implementation|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave">
t = linspace (0, 1, 100);
y = [(sin (2 * pi * t * 1.5)), (sin (2 * pi * t * 4))(2:end)];
t = [t, (linspace (1, 2, 100))(2:end)];
pwl = [t; y](:).';
c1.LCR = [];
c1.totextvar = 1;
c1.NLC(1).("func") = "Mvoltagesources";
c1.NLC(1).("section") = "pwl";
c1.NLC(1).("nextvar") = 2;
c1.NLC(1).("npar") = 398;
c1.NLC(1).("nrows") = 1;
c1.NLC(1).("nparnames") = 0;
c1.NLC(1).("parnames") = {};
c1.NLC(1).("pvmatrix") = pwl;
c1.NLC(1).("vnmatrix") = [1 0];
c1.NLC(1).("nintvar") = 1;
c1.NLC(1).("osintvar") = 0;
c1.NLC(2).("func") = "Mmemristors";
c1.NLC(2).("section") =  "STRUKOV";
c1.NLC(2).("nextvar") =  2;
c1.NLC(2).("npar") =  3;
c1.totintvar = 2;
c1.namesn = [1  2  3];
c1.NLC(2).("nrows") =  1;
c1.NLC(2).("nparnames") =  3;
c1.NLC(2).("parnames") =  {"MU", "RH", "RL"};
c1.NLC(2).("pvmatrix") =  [1.8e3 1e3 1];
c1.NLC(2).("vnmatrix") =  [1 0];
c1.NLC(2).("nintvar") =  1;
c1.NLC(2).("osintvar") =  1;
c1.namess = {"voltage", "current", "x"};
start = [0 0 0.1];
%% c = prs_iff ("memristor_example");
out = tst_backward_euler (c1, start.', t, 1e-2, 300, {'voltage', 'current'});
plot (out(1, 1:100), out (2, 1:100), 'r',
      out(1, 101:end), out(2, 101:end), 'k')
legend ("frequency 1 Hz", "frequency 4 Hz")
[[File:memristor.png|thumb| Memristor simulation result]]
The results are shown in the figure to the right.
[[Category:Octave Forge]][[Category:Packages]]