Bug Fix List - 4.4.0 Release

The following bugs must be fixed prior to the next release. See also the 4.4.0 Release Checklist .

Sign up for a bug by filling in the Owner field so people won't duplicate each other's work.


<strike> ... </strike>

to cross an item off the list when it has been done. Add


and the strike through tag for any bugs that will not be fixed in this round.

Bugs marked as Crash


  • Owner: ??? #39000 Can't override BLAS XERBLA handler on Windows

Bugs marked Configuration and Build System

Bugs with severity >= 4

Bugs marked as regressions

  • Owner: pantxo #52765 FreeSans default font is non portable in svg printout

Bugs marked GUI

Bugs related to Windows OS

Other Bugs with Patches

Patches reviewed by "non-committing" developers

Unreviewed patches that seem worth reviewing

Feature requests

Other bug reports tagged as "patch submitted"

Other Bugs

Potentially excluded bugs

These bugs have been provisionally decided not to be blockers for 4.4.0. That doesn't mean they can't be fixed, if someone wants to fix them.

Bugs marked as Crash

Other bugs marked as crash in Savannah

Bugs marked configuration and build system in Savannah

The following three bugs are minor, but closely related and two go back to 2012

Bugs marked as regression in Savannah

Patch submitted

Patches from Savannah patch collection

Matlab functions, by regular devs

  • Owner: pantxo #9363 missing movie function

Matlab functions, needing major work

Other open patches from Savannah