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The {{Forge|bim}} package is part of the [[Octave Forge]] project.  It is a package for solving Diffusion Advection Reaction (DAR) Partial Differential Equations based on the Finite Volume Scharfetter-Gummel (FVSG) method a.k.a Box Integration Method (BIM).

This is a short example on how to use <tt>bim</tt> to solve a DAR problem.<br>
== Tutorials ==
The data for this example can be found in the doc directory inside the
=== 2D Diffusion Advection Reaction example ===
bim installation directory.
This is a short example on how to use <tt>bim</tt> to solve a 2D Diffusion Advection Reaction problem.
<!-- The complete code for this example is on [[Agora]] at this [ link] -->.

We want to solve the equation
We want to solve the equation

<math>  -\mathrm{div}\ ( \varepsilon\ \nabla u(x, y) - \nabla \varphi(x,y)\ u(x, y) ) ) + u(x, y) = 1 \qquad in \Omega</math>
<math>  -\mathrm{div}\ ( \varepsilon\ \nabla u(x, y) - \nabla \varphi(x,y)\ u(x, y) ) ) + u(x, y) = 1 \qquad \mbox{ in } \Omega</math>
<math>  \varphi(x, y)\ =\ x + y </math>
<math>  \varphi(x, y)\ =\ x + y </math>

Line 54: Line 58:
on the mesh structure
on the mesh structure

{{Code|Meshing the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
[mesh] = msh2m_gmsh ("fiume","scale",1,"clscale",.1);
[mesh] = msh2m_gmsh ("fiume","scale",1,"clscale",.1);
[mesh] = bim2c_mesh_properties (mesh);
[mesh] = bim2c_mesh_properties (mesh);

to see the mesh you can use functions from the [[fpl_package|fpl package]]
to see the mesh you can use functions from the [[fpl_package|fpl package]]

{{Code|Visualizing the mesh for the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
pdemesh (mesh.p, mesh.e, mesh.t)
pdemesh (mesh.p, mesh.e, mesh.t)
view (2)
view (2)

Line 73: Line 77:
Get the node coordinates from the mesh structure
Get the node coordinates from the mesh structure

{{Code|Get mesh coordinates in the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
xu    = mesh.p(1,:).';
xu    = mesh.p(1,:).';
yu    = mesh.p(2,:).';
yu    = mesh.p(2,:).';

Get the number of elements and nodes in the mesh
Get the number of elements and nodes in the mesh

{{Code|Get number of elements in the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
nelems = columns (mesh.t);
nelems = columns (mesh.t);
nnodes = columns (mesh.p);
nnodes = columns (mesh.p);

{{Code|Set value of coefficients for the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
epsilon = .1;
epsilon = .1;
phi    = xu + yu;
phi    = xu + yu;

<b> Construct the discretized operators</b>
<b> Construct the discretized operators</b>

{{Code|Discretized operators for the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">  
AdvDiff = bim2a_advection_diffusion (mesh, epsilon, 1, 1, phi);
AdvDiff = bim2a_advection_diffusion (mesh, epsilon, 1, 1, phi);
Mass    = bim2a_reaction (mesh, 1, 1);
Mass    = bim2a_reaction (mesh, 1, 1);
b      = bim2a_rhs (mesh,f,g);
b      = bim2a_rhs (mesh,f,g);
A      = AdvDiff + Mass;
A      = AdvDiff + Mass;

<b> To Apply Boundary Conditions, partition LHS and RHS</b>
<b> To Apply Boundary Conditions, partition LHS and RHS</b>
Line 105: Line 110:
and <math> \Gamma_D </math> be the rest of the boundary
and <math> \Gamma_D </math> be the rest of the boundary

{{Code|Boundary conditions for the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">  
GammaD = bim2c_unknowns_on_side (mesh, [1 2]);     ## DIRICHLET NODES LIST
GammaD = bim2c_unknowns_on_side (mesh, [1 2]);     ## DIRICHLET NODES LIST
GammaN = bim2c_unknowns_on_side (mesh, [3 4]);     ## NEUMANN NODES LIST
GammaN = bim2c_unknowns_on_side (mesh, [3 4]);     ## NEUMANN NODES LIST
Line 113: Line 118:
ud    = 3*xu;                                      ## DIRICHLET DATUM
ud    = 3*xu;                                      ## DIRICHLET DATUM
Omega = setdiff (1:nnodes, union (GammaD, GammaN)); ## INTERIOR NODES LIST
Omega = setdiff (1:nnodes, union (GammaD, GammaN)); ## INTERIOR NODES LIST

Add = A(GammaD, GammaD);
Add = A(GammaD, GammaD);
Adn = A(GammaD, GammaN); ## shoud be all zeros hopefully!!
Adn = A(GammaD, GammaN); ## shoud be all zeros hopefully!!
Line 132: Line 134:
bn = b(GammaN);  
bn = b(GammaN);  
bi = b(Omega);  
bi = b(Omega);  

<B> Solve for the displacements</B>
<B> Solve for the tracer density</B>

{{Code|Compute solution of the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">  
temp = [Ann Ani ; Ain Aii ] \ [ jn+bn-And*ud(GammaD) ; bi-Aid*ud(GammaD)];
temp = [Ann Ani ; Ain Aii ] \ [ jn+bn-And*ud(GammaD) ; bi-Aid*ud(GammaD)];
u = ud;
u = ud;
u(GammaN)  = temp(1:numel (GammaN));
u(GammaN)  = temp(1:numel (GammaN));
u(Omega)  = temp(length(GammaN)+1:end);
u(Omega)  = temp(length(GammaN)+1:end);

<b> Compute the fluxes through Dirichlet sides</b><br>
<b> Compute the fluxes through Dirichlet sides</b><br>

{{Code|Boundary fluxes in the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">  
jd = [Add Adi Adn] * u([GammaD; Omega; GammaN]) - bd;
jd = [Add Adi Adn] * u([GammaD; Omega; GammaN]) - bd;

<B> Compute the gradient of the solution </B>
<B> Compute the gradient of the solution </B>

{{Code|Gradient of solution in the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">  
[gx, gy] = bim2c_pde_gradient (mesh, u);
[gx, gy] = bim2c_pde_gradient (mesh, u);

<B> Compute the internal Advection-Diffusion flux</B>
<B> Compute the internal Advection-Diffusion flux</B>

{{Code|Total flux for the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
[jxglob, jyglob] = bim2c_global_flux (mesh, u, epsilon*ones(nelems, 1), ones(nnodes, 1), ones(nnodes, 1), phi);
[jxglob, jyglob] = bim2c_global_flux (mesh, u, epsilon*ones(nelems, 1), ones(nnodes, 1), ones(nnodes, 1), phi);

<B> Export data to VTK format</B>
<B> Export data to VTK format</B>
Line 167: Line 170:
or [[|visit]]
or [[|visit]]

{{Code|Export the solution of the 2D problem to vtk|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
fpl_vtk_write_field ("vtkdata", mesh, {u, "Solution"}, {[gx; gy]', "Gradient"}, 1);
fpl_vtk_write_field ("vtkdata", mesh, {u, "Solution"}, {[gx; gy]', "Gradient"}, 1);

you can also plot your data directly in Octave using <code> pdesurf </code>
you can also plot your data directly in Octave using <code> pdesurf </code>

{{Code|Rubbersheet visualization of the solution of the 2D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
pdesurf (mesh.p, mesh.t, u)
pdesurf (mesh.p, mesh.t, u)

it will look like this
it will look like this
Line 181: Line 184:

=== 3D Time dependent problem ===
Here is an example of a 3D time-dependent Advection-Diffusion equation that uses <code> lsode </code> for time-stepping.
The equation being solved is
<math> \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} - \mathrm{div } \left(.01 \nabla u - u \nabla \varphi \right)
= 0 \qquad \mbox{ in } \Omega \times [0, T] =[0, 1]^3 \times [0, 1] </math>
<math> ~\varphi = x + y - z </math>
<math> - \left(.01 \nabla u - u \nabla \varphi \right)  \cdot \mathbf{n} = 0
\qquad \mbox{ on } \partial \Omega</math>
The initial condition is
<math> u = \exp (- \left(\frac{x-.2}{.2}\right)^2 - \left(\frac{y-.2}{.2}\right)^2 - \left(\frac{z-.2}{.2}\right)^2)</math>
{{Code|Define the 3D problem|<syntaxhighlight lang="octave" style="font-size:13px">
pkg load bim
x = linspace (0, 1, 40);
y = z = linspace (0, 1, 20);
msh = bim3c_mesh_properties (msh3m_structured_mesh (x, y, z, 1, 1:6));
nn = columns (msh.p);
ne = columns (msh.t);
x = msh.p(1, :).';
y = msh.p(2, :).';
z = msh.p(3, :).';
x0 = .2; sx = .1;
y0 = .2; sy = .1;
z0 = .8; sz = .1;
u = exp (- ((x-x0)/(2*sx)) .^2 - ((y-y0)/(2*sy)) .^2 - ((z-z0)/(2*sz)) .^2);
A = bim3a_advection_diffusion (msh, .01*ones(ne, 1), 100*(x+y-z));
M = bim3a_reaction (msh, 1, 1);
function du = f (u, t, A, M)
  du = - M \ (A * u);
time = linspace (0, 1, 30);
lsode_options ("integration method", "adams");
U = lsode (@(u, t) f(u, t, A, M), u, time);
for ii = 1:1:numel (time)
  name = sprintf ("u_%3.3d", ii);
  delete ([name ".vtu"]);
  fpl_vtk_write_field (name, msh, {U(ii,:)', 'u'}, {}, 1);
[ This is a video] showing the .3 isosurface of the solution.
== External links ==
* [ BIM package at Octave Forge].
== Scientific papers using BIM ==
* [ de Falco, C., Gatti, E., Lacaita, A. L., & Sacco, R. (2005). Quantum-corrected drift-diffusion models for transport in semiconductor devices. Journal of Computational Physics, 204(2), 533-561.]
* [ de Falco, C., Jerome, J.W. and Sacco, R., 2009. Quantum-corrected drift-diffusion models: Solution fixed point map and finite element approximation. Journal of Computational Physics, 228(5), pp.1770-1789.]
* [ de Falco, C. and O'riordan, E., 2010. INTERIOR LAYERS IN A REACTION DIFFUSION EQUATION WITH A DISCONTINUOUS DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT. International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling, 7(3).]
* [ de Falco, C., Sacco, R. and Verri, M., 2010. Analytical and numerical study of photocurrent transients in organic polymer solar cells. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199(25), pp.1722-1732.]
* [ de Falco, C., Porro, M., Sacco, R. and Verri, M., 2012. Multiscale modeling and simulation of organic solar cells. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 245, pp.102-116.]
* [ de Falco, C., Denk, G. and Schultz, R., 2007. A demonstrator platform for coupled multiscale simulation. In Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (pp. 63-71). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.]
* [ Maddalena, F., de Falco, C., Caironi, M. and Natali, D., 2015. Assessing the width of Gaussian density of states in organic semiconductors. Organic Electronics, 17, pp.304-318.]
* [ Alì, G., Bartel, A., Culpo, M. and de Falco, C., 2010. Analysis of a PDE thermal element model for electrothermal circuit simulation. In Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2008 (pp. 273-280). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.]
* [ Culpo, M. and De Falco, C., 2008. Dynamical iteration schemes for coupled simulation in nanoelectronics. PAMM, 8(1), pp.10065-10068.]
* [ Porro, M., de Falco, C., Verri, M., Lanzani, G. and Sacco, R., 2014. Multiscale simulation of organic heterojunction light harvesting devices. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 33(4), pp.1107-1122.]
* [ Ciucci, F., de Falco, C., Guzman, M.I., Lee, S. and Honda, T., 2012. Chemisorption on semiconductors: The role of quantum corrections on the space charge regions in multiple dimensions. Applied Physics Letters, 100(18), p.183106.]
* [ Culpo, M., de Falco, C., Denk, G. and Voigtmann, S., 2010. Automatic thermal network extraction and multiscale electro-thermal simulation. In Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2008 (pp. 281-288). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.]
* [ Culpo, M., de Falco, C. and O’Riordan, E., 2010. Patches of finite elements for singularly-perturbed diffusion reaction equations with discontinuous coefficients. In Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008 (pp. 235-240). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.]
[[Category:Octave Forge]]

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