Create a MacOS X App Bundle Using Homebrew
This tutorial explains how to build (version >4) using Homebrew. Most user should either
- download Octave 4.0.1rc1 with graphical user interface,
- download Octave 4.0.1rc1 with command line interface
or use a package manager as described here. The former App bundle (version <=3.8) was created using Macports and called Octave from /usr/opt/local
which is problematic with recent OS X (>=10.10). Therefore is now installed in /Applications/
using homebrew. It does not interfere with local installations or package managers.
- Install Xcode via the Mac App Store.
- Install the command line tools by
xcode-select --install
. - Optional: install XQuartz, e.g. if you want to use Gnuplot with X11 backend.
Creating the App Bundle and Disk Image
The script will ask some questions, e.g. regarding the installation path (/Applications/
is recommended) or whether Octave should be compiled with or without graphical user interface and finally whether a disk image should be created or not. If you choose to install to the Applications folder then the script needs to run with administration rights.
#!/bin/sh # determine install dir if [ "$1" != "defaults" ]; then read -p "In which directory do you want Octave to be installed? [/Applications/]: " install_dir fi install_dir=${install_dir:-"/Applications/"} # check if if [ -d "$install_dir" ]; then echo "Directory $install_dir exists. Please remove it, e.g." echo "> rm -rf $install_dir" exit; fi # ask the user about feautures if [ "$1" != "defaults" ]; then read -p "Do you want to build the GUI? [Y/n]: " build_gui read -p "Do you want to build a development snapshot [y/N]: " build_devel read -p "Do you want to create a DMG image? [y/N]: " build_dmg read -p "Where do you want to store the DMG? [$HOME]: " dmg_dir fi # set default values if nothing has been specified build_gui=${build_gui:-y} build_devel=${build_devel:-n} build_dmg=${build_dmg:-y} dmg_dir=${dmg_dir:-$HOME} # create applescript for starting. The cli version starts a terminal session. # A future applescript could check whether cl-tools are installed or set gnuterm settings tmp_script=$(mktemp /tmp/octave-XXXX); if [ "$build_gui" == "y" ]; then cat >"$tmp_script" <<EOF on open argv path_check() set filename to "'" & POSIX path of item 1 of argv & "'" do shell script "export GNUTERM='qt';export PATH=/Applications/\$PATH;cd ~;/Applications/ --force-gui --persist --eval \"edit " & filename & "\" | logger 2>&1" end open on run path_check() do shell script "export GNUTERM='qt';export PATH=/Applications/\$PATH;cd ~;/Applications/ --force-gui | logger 2>&1" end run on path_check() if not (POSIX path of (path to me) contains "$install_dir") then display dialog "Please move Octave to $install_dir" with icon stop with title "Error" buttons {"OK"} error number -128 end if end path_check EOF else cat >"$tmp_script" <<EOF on run path_check() tell application "Terminal" do script "export GNUTERM='qt';export PATH=/Applications/\$PATH;cd ~;clear;octave" activate end tell end run on path_check() if not (POSIX path of (path to me) contains "$install_dir") then display dialog "Please move Octave to $install_dir" with icon stop with title "Error" buttons {"OK"} error number -128 end if end path_check EOF fi # create appbundle osacompile -o"$install_dir" "$tmp_script" # install brew mkdir -p "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/usr" curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/usr" # be conservative regarding architectures sed -i '' 's/march=native/march=core2/g' "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/usr/Library/Homebrew/extend/ENV/super.rb" sed -i '' 's/march=native/march=core2/g' "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/usr/Library/Homebrew/extend/ENV/std.rb" # start compiling cd "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/usr/bin" ./brew tap homebrew/science ./brew install imagemagick --with-librsvg ./brew install graphicsmagick --with-quantum-depth-16 # we prefer openblas over Apple's BLAS implementation ./brew install arpack --with-openblas ./brew install qrupdate --with-openblas ./brew install suite-sparse421 --with-openblas # use github mirror to gnuplot 5.1 (devel) ./brew install gnuplot --with-qt --with-cairo --universal --verbose --HEAD # get newest octave formula and then build octave curl -o "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/usr/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-science/octave.rb" octave_settings="--build-from-source --without-java --universal --with-audio --with-openblas" if [ "$build_devel" == "y" ]; then octave_settings="$octave_settings --devel" fi if [ "$build_gui" == "y" ]; then octave_settings="$octave_settings --with-gui" fi ./brew install octave $octave_settings # get octave version oct_ver="$(./octave --version |sed -n 1p |grep -o '\d\..*$' )" oct_ver_string="$(./octave --version | sed -n 1p)" oct_copy="$(./octave --version | sed -n 2p | cut -c 15- )" # rebuilding fontconfig from source seems to fix gnuplot font problems ./brew uninstall fontconfig ./brew install fontconfig --build-from-source # create a nice iconset (the octave icons in "share/icons" are not reliable) svg_icon="$install_dir/Contents/Resources/usr/opt/octave/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/octave.svg" tmp_iconset="$(mktemp -d /tmp/iconset-XXXX)/droplet.iconset" mkdir -p "$tmp_iconset" ./convert -background none -resize 16x16 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_16x16.png" ./convert -background none -resize 32x32 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_16x16@2x.png" ./convert -background none -resize 32x32 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_32x32.png" ./convert -background none -resize 64x64 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_32x32@2x.png" ./convert -background none -resize 128x128 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_128x128.png" ./convert -background none -resize 256x256 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_128x128@2x.png" ./convert -background none -resize 256x256 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_256x256.png" ./convert -background none -resize 512x512 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_256x256@2x.png" ./convert -background none -resize 512x512 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_512x512.png" ./convert -background none -resize 1024x1024 "$svg_icon" "$tmp_iconset/icon_512x512@2x.png" iconutil -c icns -o "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/octave.icns" "$tmp_iconset" # modify some entries in the Application plist defaults write "$install_dir/Contents/Info" NSUIElement 1 defaults write "$install_dir/Contents/Info" CFBundleIconFile "octave" defaults write "$install_dir/Contents/Info" CFBundleIdentifier org.octave.Octave defaults write "$install_dir/Contents/Info" CFBundleShortVersionString "$oct_ver" defaults write "$install_dir/Contents/Info" CFBundleVersion "$oct_ver_string" defaults write "$install_dir/Contents/Info" NSHumanReadableCopyright "$oct_copy" defaults write "$install_dir/Contents/Info" CFBundleDocumentTypes -array '{"CFBundleTypeExtensions" = ("m"); "CFBundleTypeOSTypes" = ("Mfile"); "CFBundleTypeRole" = "Editor";}' plutil -convert xml1 "$install_dir/Contents/Info.plist" chmod a=r "$install_dir/Contents/Info.plist" # collect dependencies from the homebrew database # clean up the strings using sed touch "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/DEPENDENCIES" for f in $(./brew deps octave) do ./brew info $f | sed -e 's$homebrew/science/$$g'| sed -e 's$: .*$$g' | sed -e 's$/Applications.*$$g' | head -n3 >> "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/DEPENDENCIES" echo "" >> "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/DEPENDENCIES" done # change owner # chown -R admin:wheel /Applications/ # create a nice dmg disc image with create-dmg (MIT License) if [ "build_dmg" == "y" ]; then # get make-dmg from github tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/octave-XXXX) git clone $tmp_dir/create-dmg # get background image curl -o background.tiff # running create-dmg; this may issue warnings if run headless. However, the dmg # will still be created, only some beautifcation cannot be applied cd $tmp_dir/create-dmg ./create-dmg \ --volname "Octave-Installer" \ --volicon "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/octave.icns" \ --window-size 550 442 \ --icon-size 48 \ --icon 125 180 \ --hide-extension \ --app-drop-link 415 180 \ --eula "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/usr/opt/octave/README" \ --add-file COPYING "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/usr/opt/octave/COPYING" 126 300 \ --add-file DEPENDENCIES "$install_dir/Contents/Resources/DEPENDENCIES" 415 300 \ --disk-image-size 1250 \ --background "../background.tiff" \ "$dmg_dir/Octave-Installer.dmg" \ "$install_dir" echo DMG ready: $dmg_dir/Octave-Installer.dmg fi