Mapping package
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The mapping package is part of the octave-forge project.
Follows an incomplete list of stuff missing in the mapping package to be matlab compatible. Bugs are not listed here, search and report them on the bug tracker instead.
this entire section is about the current development version. If a Matlab function is missing from the list and does not appear on the current release of the package, confirm that is also missing in the development sources before adding it.
Missing functions
- aer2ecef
- aer2enu
- aer2geodetic
- aer2ned
- angl2str
- antipode
- arcgridread
- areaint
- areamat
- areaquad
- avhrrgoode
- avhrrlambert
- axes2ecc
- axesm
- axesmui
- bufferm
- bufgeoquad
- camposm
- camtargm
- camupm
- clabelm
- clegendm
- clipdata
- clma
- closePolygonParts
- clrmenu
- contour3m
- contourcbar
- contourcmap
- contourfm
- contourm
- defaultm
- deg2nm
- deg2sm
- demcmap
- demdataui
- departure
- distortcalc
- dted
- dteds
- earthRadius
- ecc2flat
- ecc2n
- ecef2aer
- ecef2enu
- ecef2enuv
- ecef2geodetic
- ecef2lv
- ecef2ned
- ecef2nedv
- egm96geoid
- ellipse1
- enu2aer
- enu2ecef
- enu2ecefv
- enu2geodetic
- etopo
- etopo5
- flat2ecc
- flatearthpoly
- framem
- gc2sc
- gcm
- gcpmap
- gcxgc
- gcxsc
- geocentricLatitude
- geodetic2aer
- geodetic2ecef
- geodetic2enu
- geodetic2ned
- geodeticLatitudeFromGeocentric
- geodeticLatitudeFromParametric
- geoloc2grid
- geopoint
- geoquadline
- geoquadpt
- georasterref
- geoshape
- geoshow
- geotiff2mstruct
- geotiffinfo
- geotiffread
- geotiffwrite
- getm
- getworldfilename
- globedem
- globedems
- gpxread
- gradientm
- grid2image
- gridm
- gshhs
- gtextm
- gtopo30
- gtopo30s
- handlem
- imbedm
- ingeoquad
- inputm
- interpm
- intersectgeoquad
- intrplat
- intrplon
- ismap
- ispolycw
- isShapeMultipart
- km2nm
- km2rad
- km2sm
- kmlwrite
- kmlwriteline
- kmlwritepoint
- lightm
- lightmui
- linecirc
- linem
- los2
- ltln2val
- lv2ecef
- majaxis
- makeattribspec
- makedbfspec
- makerefmat
- makesymbolspec
- map.geodesy.AuthalicLatitudeConverter
- map.geodesy.ConformalLatitudeConverter
- map.geodesy.IsometricLatitudeConverter
- map.geodesy.RectifyingLatitudeConverter
- map.geodesy.isdegree
- map.rasterref.GeographicRasterReference
- map.rasterref.MapRasterReference
- maplist
- mapoutline
- mappoint
- mapprofile
- maprasterref
- maps
- mapshape
- mapshow
- maptool
- maptrim
- maptriml
- maptrimp
- maptrims
- mapview
- mdistort
- meridianarc
- meridianfwd
- meshlsrm
- meshm
- mfwdtran
- minaxis
- minvtran
- mlabel
- mlabelzero22pi
- n2ecc
- ned2aer
- ned2ecef
- ned2ecefv
- ned2geodetic
- newpole
- nm2deg
- nm2km
- nm2rad
- nm2sm
- northarrow
- oblateSpheroid
- org2pol
- originui
- outlinegeoquad
- panzoom
- parallelui
- parametricLatitude
- pcolorm
- plabel
- plot3m
- plotm
- polcmap
- poly2ccw
- poly2cw
- poly2fv
- polybool
- polyjoin
- polymerge
- polysplit
- polyxpoly
- projfwd
- projinv
- projlist
- putpole
- quiver3m
- quiverm
- rad2km
- rad2nm
- rad2sm
- rcurve
- reducem
- referenceEllipsoid
- referenceSphere
- refmatToGeoRasterReference
- refmatToMapRasterReference
- refmatToWorldFileMatrix
- refvecToGeoRasterReference
- removeExtraNanSeparators
- resizem
- rhxrh
- rotatem
- rotatetext
- rsphere
- satbath
- scaleruler
- scatterm
- scircle1
- scircle2
- scircleg
- scirclui
- scxsc
- sdtsdemread
- sdtsinfo
- sectorg
- setm
- shaderel
- shapeinfo
- shaperead
- shapewrite
- showaxes
- sm2deg
- sm2km
- sm2nm
- sm2rad
- stem3m
- str2angle
- surfacem
- surflm
- surflsrm
- surfm
- symbolm
- tbase
- tightmap
- tissot
- track1
- track2
- trackg
- trackui
- unwrapMultipart
- usamap
- usgs24kdem
- usgsdem
- usgsdems
- utmgeoid
- utmzone
- utmzoneui
- vec2mtx
- vfwdtran
- viewshed
- vinvtran
- vmap0data
- vmap0read
- vmap0rhead
- vmap0ui
- webmap
- WebMapServer
- wgs84Ellipsoid
- wmcenter
- wmclose
- wmlimits
- wmline
- wmmarker
- wmprint
- wmremove
- WMSCapabilities
- wmsfind
- wmsinfo
- WMSLayer
- WMSMapRequest
- wmsread
- wmsupdate
- wmzoom
- worldFileMatrixToRefmat
- worldfileread
- worldfilewrite
- worldmap
- wrapTo180
- wrapTo2Pi
- wrapTo360
- wrapToPi
- zdatam
Missing options
- Short projects: see conversion between units
- Group the missing functions above in: file I/O; web maps; map display; data analysis; and coordinates, geodesy, and projections, as per [1] (similar to what was done in the signal package wiki page); please keep the original alphabetical list intact.
- Make a table matching each missing function to an existing implementations in the geod toolbox [2].