Online Developer Meeting (2025-03-25)

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Today's topics

  • Octave 10.1.0 release
    • What's left? Ready to release?
    • What about packages (not core Octave)? Are they ready?
      • I know that financial package does not work, and that update is very simple (replace .+ with +).
  • New name for -forge option to pkg?
    • Existing name implies SourceForge, and there are many other package repositories in use.
    • Any change would need to see the -forge option persist for a very long time.
  • Run-time checks for adequate libraries
    • BLAS library can be correct at compile-time, but switched at run-time to one that is not (MacOS and functions with float types). How should this be handled?
    • Java 1.9 or higher is now required. How to check at run-time in initialize_jvm that JVM is adequate?
      • tactic #1: initialize JVM and call FindClass("java/lang/ref/Cleaner") and then tear down JVM if it is not adequate.
      • tactic #2: check Java version number against 1.9 before initializing (but may be difficult to have cross-platform compatibility)
  • Shared library versioning and api-v60 tag
    • Is Octave's own internal api tag required anymore?
    • Does liboctmex need to check version anymore? Or is this already handled by OCTAVE_API_VERSION is only used to check version match when loading .oct files. This may only matter on systems that don't have proper library versioning. But even on those systems, we might be able to perform a check based on shared library versions stored in the .oct file instead of using OCTAVE_API_VERSION.
  • Sloppy Numfocus website? ( Clicking on Octave logo goes to, not Octave web site. [1. Top logo should point to, 2. Contribute code logo should point to Get Involved page, 3. Bottom logo should point to website, not Mercurial archive] [jwe wrote e-mail, but website is still not updated as of 2025/03/23; reply received on 2025/03/19 promising an update "as quickly as possible"]
  • Discussion on continued use of Savannah Bug Tracker
    • Latest motivation to find something better is the inability to search for bug reports for old releases.
  • GSoC 2025: Proposal Deadline on April 8

Previous topics

  • Octave 9.4.0 has been released
  • Release process of Octave 10
    • Potential blockers
      • BIST interaction with lastwarn (lastwarn) [Have package maintainers check and recode BIST tests where possible. Research eliminating "-quiet" option to warning() in Octave 11 and consider a new architecture for %!warning tests in Octave 11]
      • ASAN/UBSAN bug reports [simple ones fixed. Remaining issues are long-term, large changes to go on dev branch]
    • Ok to push fix for reading NA values on ARM [Change will be pushed and testing will occur with release candidate]
    • Fix up minor pkg issue [1]? [Will make minor change in build system to export an empty global_list file]
    • Keep contributors that didn't explicitly agree to that in doc/interpreter/ [Revert to existing behavior of 6 weeks ago. Octave will move to a new system for version 11]
    • Bug reporting style in /etc/NEWS (at start or end of one sentence summary) [Keep Arun's automated style, bug number in front]
    • Remaining Tasks
      • C++ Style Check (Rik)
      • Update installer-files/README.html in MXE Octave with version highlights.
  • Sloppy Numfocus website? ( Clicking on Octave logo goes to, not Octave web site. [1. Top logo should point to, 2. Contribute code logo should point to Get Involved page, 3. Bottom logo should point to website, not Mercurial archive]
  • FYI: Colin created at GNU Octave group at, as an alternative to and If packager want to host their dev sites there, please reach out.

See also