This page is a stub. We should begin documenting what classdef is implemented and what is not.
Not Supported
- enumeration
See #44582 and help implementing it.
- build-in class as superclass
classdef nonsense < uint32
See #44035
classdef MyClass < handle
c = MyClass();
cc = [c, c]; % won't work
For now you can use a cell-array of objects instead:
cc = {c, c}; % ok
Also see #44665
- Immutable property set access.
classdef MyClass < handle
properties (SetAccess = immutable)
function obj = MyClass()
x = rand();
Use "private" properties as workaround.
- Function handles to package methods and static class methods.
For example if we have +mypackage/myfunc.m
, creating a function handle as fh = @mypackage.myfunc
won't work.
As a workaround, we can create an indirection using an anonymous function fh = @(varargin) mypackage.myfunc(varargin{:})
Similarly for static class methods where fh = @MyClass.myfunc
isn't yet supported. Another workaround for package function handles is to use str2func
, e.g. fh = str2func ("mypackage.myfunc")
A fuller example is also given below:
classdef method_function_handle_test
% properties
% end
properties (Hidden, SetAccess = protected)
hfoo = [];% handle to function
function self = method_function_handle_test ()
self.hfoo = @foo;
function bar (self)
self.hfoo (self);
methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
function foo (self)
disp ('hello!');
Then running:
>> x = method_function_handle_test
error: @foo: no function and no method found
error: called from
method_function_handle_test at line 17 column 17
stopped in <****>/scratch/mfiles/octave_tests/method_function_handle_test.m at line 17
17: self.hfoo = @foo;
See #45351
- Defining local functions in the same classdef-file is not working.
For example, the following code gives a syntax/parse error:
classdef MyClass
function obj = MyClass()
function myfunc()
See #41723.
- debugging in classdef methods (and +package directory functions)
Breakpoints cannot currently be set in classdef methods from the gui, but only from the command line:
dbstop @aclass\amethod
See #45404
- Saving/reading classdef objects to/from (.mat) file
- methods
- static
- private
- properties
- SetAccess (public/private/protected)
Open Bug Reports
- Delete method for handle classes
- Function handles and classdef methods
- 48802 function overload resolution on function handles fails on classdef methods defined in class body
- 46659 classdef: cannot create handles to functions in +package
- 45351 function handles to classdef methods not supported
- 51709 Creating function handle to static methods
- 47680 classdef @ operator to overrided superclass methods
- Issues with basic classdef functionality
- 42510 methods() does not return functions defined in classdef file
- 51659 Calling 'methods' on self causes syntax error
- 53614 classdef properties() function not implemented
- 46387 Display class properties
- 48682 print_usage fails within classdef block
- 55223 can't subsasgn with 2-level index (curly braces + parentheses) with classdef handle
- 49434 which returns "built-in function" for classdef m-file
- 48041 classdef: `help myclass` messes up `help @myclass/method`
- 43047 help() does not see classdef files
- 42620 exist() does not use "class" argument
- 53874 doc_cache_create doesnt handle classdef documentation
- 52096 meta.class.fromName throws error when class name not found.
- 51377 Parse error for abstract methods
- 45457 Incorrect behavior of constant classdef properties referencing other constant properties in the same block
- 44665 error in concatenation of classdef objects
- 44582 classdef: missing support for enumeration
- 44036 interpreter does not recognize classdef (syntax error)
- 48693 classdef subsref method is not called with correct nargout value
- Classdef and +package directories
- Arrays of classdef objects
- I/O issues
- Debugger
- Lower-priority issues ====
- 55488 Invalid use of colon char as classdef function's argument when subsref is overwritten
- 55487 ismethod of custom classdefs always returning false
- 54966 Error when assigning array to an object implementing subsasgn() subscripted using "{}"
- 54783 subsasgn call when the subscripted expression contains the end keyword
- 54028 copy of non-handle class instance is not deep
- 53811 cellfun does not find overloaded function with function name argument
- 52989 classdef: missing error messages on multiply defined properties
- 52614 setting properties of classdef object during construction with inheritance
- 52582 Dependent constant properties in classdef errors: no such file
- 52123 Indirect memory leak in cdef_manager::initialize ()
- 51285 max_recursion_depth error in classdef constructor
- 50395 subclassing a class that is also defined as a variable fails
- 50011 failure to report error on conflicting methods for classdef
- 49379 classdef constructor: .argn. loses first argument, inputname(n) returns inputname(n+1)
- 46652 whos bytes property not right for classdef classes
- 45893 classdef properties are not reloaded when file is updated
- 44934 classdef parser prints extra newline when failing to parse bad classdef file
- 44643 classdef handle object can go into an recursive loop with isequal(obj1,obj2) if both are self-referential
- 44035 classdef is unable to to subclass double
- Documentation