Page history
21 January 2021
More overhaul page.
→Criteria by which applications are judged: Overhaul.
→Steps Toward a Successful Application: More overhauling.
→Steps Toward a Successful Application: Start overhaul section.
Overhaul page.
→Suggested projects: Move package projects to the end of page.
→Numerical: Flatten category.
→Adding functionality to packages: Remove two projects with hardly any description.
→PolarAxes and Plotting Improvements
→Graphics: Flatten categories.
→Improve TIFF image support
→Improve TIFF image support
→Image Analysis: Improve and shorten project scope.
→Image Analysis: "Improvements to N-dimensional image processing" remove difficult project.
→Infrastructure: Octave Package management, too ambitious for GSoC, move to Projects.
→Infrastructure: Jupyter Notebook Integration too ambitious for GSoC.
→Adding functionality to Forge packages
→Numerical: Drop chebfun project. Anything related to classdef if beyond the scope of GSoC.
→Suggested projects: Drop summary table, avoid duplication.
Remove hard projects.
20 January 2021
16 September 2020
→Jupyter Notebook Integration: Update project.
→Infrastructure: JSON project done.
→Summary table: JSON integration done.
30 March 2020
9 March 2020
→JSON encoding/decoding: octave-jsonstuff changed to RapidJSON.
→JSON encoding/decoding: JSONio GitHub link.
27 February 2020
4 February 2020
→Summary table: Update.
→Summary table: Update.
Update internal links.
→Jupyter Notebook Integration
→Summary table: Update.
→Infrastructure: Be more verbose about the project.
no edit summary
→Summary table: Update.
→Infrastructure: New project "JSON encoding/decoding"
→FullSWOF overland flow simulator: Update Link.
→Summary table: Update.
→Summary table: Update.
→Chebfun in Octave: Overhaul item.
→Improve logm, sqrtm, funm: Overhaul item.
→Improve iterative methods for sparse linear systems: Overhaul item.
→Suggested projects
m→Things You'll be Expected to Know or Quickly Learn On Your Own
m→Help Us Get To Know You
→Summary table: Update.
→Adding functionality to Forge packages: Drop interval package project. Main maintainer (Oliver) unresponsive for longer time. Content available in Interval package.
→Summary table: Update.