Octave for Microsoft Windows: Difference between revisions

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=Standalone ports=
=Standalone ports=
==Octave-3.6.1-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==
===Files for manual installation===
#Octave-3.6.1-mingw binaries tree
#* Octave3.6.1_gcc4.6.2_20120303.7z - MD5:294B99B5E4D47CAA83E8940EB2918D10
#: This is a 7z archive which includes a directory tree of all the binaries and libraries required for a complete octave installation (excluding octaveforge packages)
#: It can be downloaded from [http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave%20Windows%20binaries/Octave%203.6.1%20for%20Windows%20MinGW%20installer/]
#* The archive include:
#:* octave-3.6.1 including PDF documentation (built by Tatsuro Matsuka http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/)
#:* OpenBLAS-r0.1alpha2.5 and ATLAS-3.8.4 based libblas altenatives
#:* mingw32 + msys tool chain
#:* gnuplot-4.4.4
#:* fig2dev-3.2.5c
#:* ghostscript-9.0.4
#:* pstoedit-3.60
#*'''Maintainer:''' Nitzan Arazi
#*'''Latest update:''' 2012-03-03
#Octaveforge pkgs, built for Octave-3.6.1-mingw
#* Octave3.6.1_gcc4.6.2_pkgs_20120303.7z - MD5:44A85F26A8925FEC5E1F0856408C9DD5
#: It can be downloaded from [http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave%20Windows%20binaries/Octave%203.6.1%20for%20Windows%20MinGW%20installer/]
#: This is a 7z archive which includes additional binaries and libraries for a set of octaveforge packages.
#* The included packages are:
#:* actuarial-1.1.0
#:* ad-1.0.6_patched
#:* audio-1.1.4
#:* benchmark-1.1.1
#:* bim-1.0.2
#:* bioinfo-0.1.2
#:* civil-engineering-1.0.7
#:* combinatorics-1.0.9
#:* communications-1.1.0_svn20120127_patched
#:* control-2.2.5
#:* data-smoothing-1.3.0
#:* dataframe-0.9.1
#:* econometrics-1.0.8
#:* fenv-0.1.0
#:* financial-0.3.2
#:* fpl-1.2.0
#:* fuzzy-logic-toolkit-0.3.0
#:* ga-0.9.8
#:* general-1.2.2
#:* generate_html-0.1.3
#:* geometry-1.4.0
#:* gnuplot-1.0.1
#:* gpc-0.1.7
#:* gsl-1.0.8
#:* ident-1.0.7
#:* image-1.0.15
#:* informationtheory-0.1.8
#:* integration-1.0.7_svn20120128
#:* io-1.0.17
#:* irsa-1.0.7
#:* java-1.2.8_patched
#:* linear-algebra-2.1.0_svn20120225
#:* mapping-1.0.7
#:* mechanics-1.2.0
#:* miscellaneous-1.0.11_svn20120127
#:* missing-functions-1.0.2
#:* msh-1.0.2
#:* multicore-0.2.15
#:* nan-2.5.2
#:* nlwing2-1.2.0
#:* nnet-0.1.13
#:* nurbs-1.3.5
#:* ocs-0.1.3_svn20120128_patched
#:* octclip-1.0.0
#:* octgpr-1.2.0
#:* odebvp-1.0.6
#:* odepkg-0.8.0_svn20120127
#:* optim-1.0.17_patched
#:* optiminterp-0.3.4_svn20120128_patched
#:* outliers-0.13.9
#:* physicalconstants-0.1.7
#:* plot-1.1.0
#:* quaternion-1.0.0
#:* queueing-1.0.0
#:* secs1d-0.0.8
#:* secs2d-0.0.8
#:* secs3d-0.0.1
#:* signal-1.1.2
#:* simp-1.1.0
#:* sockets-1.0.7_svn20120128_patched
#:* specfun-1.1.0
#:* special-matrix-1.0.7
#:* spline-gcvspl-1.0.8
#:* splines-1.0.7
#:* statistics-1.1.0_svn20120128
#:* strings-1.0.7
#:* struct-1.0.9
#:* symband-1.0.10
#:* symbolic-1.1.0
#:* tcl-octave-0.1.8
#:* time-1.0.9
#:* tsa-4.1.1
#:* video-1.0.2_patched
#:* vrml-1.0.12_svn20111014_patched
#:* windows-1.1.0
#:* xraylib-1.0.8
#:* zenity-0.5.7
#*'''Maintainer:''' Nitzan Arazi
#*'''Latest update:''' 2012-03-03
===Manual installation instructions===
#Create an installation directory of which doesn't have space chars (i.e. C:\Octave\Octave3.6.1_gcc4.6.2\). This directory is referred hereafter as <your_install_dir>.
#Extract the complete directories tree from Octave3.6.1_gcc4.6.2_20120303.7z to the installation directory  keeping the original directory structure as in the archive (you can use 7-zip tool from http://www.7-zip.org/).
#Copy octave3.6.1_gcc4.6.2.lnk to any convenient location and edit its properties respectively to point to <your_install_dir>\bin\octave.exe and <your_install_dir>\share\octave\3.6.1\imagelib\octave-logo.ico as an icon
#Copy octave3.6.1_gcc4.6.2_docs.lnk to any convenient location and edit its properties respectively to point to <your_install_dir>\doc\octave and <your_install_dir>\share\octave\3.6.1\imagelib\octave-logo.ico as an icon.
#:At this point you can:
#: a. Launch and use octave by double-clicking the copied octave3.6.1_gcc4.6.2.lnk
#: b. Access and browse the documentation files by double-clicking the copied octave3.6.1_gcc4.6.2_docs.lnk
#:Optional libblas dll replacements:
#: <your_install_dir>\bin directory includes several libblas.dll.<libblas_source> where <libblas_source> is a text extension which describes the source of the library
#: a. libblas.dll.ref - reference blas implementation, very slow but most stable
#: b. libblas.dll.libopenblas_dynamicarch-r0.1alpha2.5-0-fda39c6 - Openblas based, up to 2 threads, detects cpu architecture and selects respective lib
#: c. libblas.dll.libopenblas_dynamicarch_nt4-r0.1alpha2.5-0-fda39c6 - Openblas based, up to 4 threads, detects cpu architecture and selects respective lib
#: d. libblas.dll.libopenblas_nehalemp-r0.1alpha2.5-0-fda39c6 - Openblas based, up to 2 threads, tuned for nehalem cpu architecture
#: e. libblas.dll.libopenblas_nehalemp_nt4-r0.1alpha2.5-0-fda39c6 - Openblas based, up to 4 threads, tuned for nehalem cpu architecture
#: f. libblas.dll.libopenblas_core2p-r0.1alpha2.5-0-fda39c6 - Openblas based, up to 2 threads, tuned for core2 cpu architecture
#: g. libblas.dll.libopenblas_core2p_nt4-r0.1alpha2.5-0-fda39c6 - Openblas based, up to 4 threads, tuned for core2 cpu architecture
#: h. libblas.dll.altas-3.8.4_ht-pentium - ATLAS based libblass, tuned for older ht-pentium (compiled by Tatsuro Matsuka)
#: i. libblas.dll.altas-3.8.4_corei5 - ATLAS based libblass, tuned for older core i5 cpu (compiled by Tatsuro Matsuka)
#:Default installed libblass.dll is libopenblas_dynamicarch-r0.1alpha2.5-0-fda39c6 which intended to automatically detect the cpu architecture and select a respectivly tuned library
#:In case the default library is not properly functioning on the actual cpu, or you wish to explore the performance with another liblas.dll.<libblas_source> it can be manually selected to replace the default one:
#: a. Exit octave
#: b. Delete <your_install_dir>\bin\libblas.dll
#: c. Make a copy of the desired <your_install_dir>\bin\libblas.dll.<libblas_source>
#: d. Rename the copy of the desired <your_install_dir>\bin\libblas.dll.<libblas_source> to libblas.dll
===Manual installation instructions for the Octave-forge packages===
#Extract the complete directories tree from Octave3.6.1_gcc4.6.2_pkgs_20120303.7z to the installation directory (<your_install_dir>) keeping the original directory structure as in the archive (you can use 7zip tool from http://www.7-zip.org/).
#In order to update octave_packages database with your installation tree and auto-load most packages (excluding 'ad' and 'windows' which may crash octave when loaded and 'clear all' is executed), launch Octave and execute the following 3 rebuild commands from the octave console:
    pkg rebuild -auto
    pkg rebuild -noauto ad windows
    pkg rebuild -noauto nan % shadows many statistics functions
    pkg rebuild -noauto gsl % shadows some core functions
    pkg rebuild -auto java
#: Last pkg rebuild command is required in order for the java pkg entry to be moved to the top of <your_install_dir>\share\octave\octave_packages db file - thus java pkg is loaded before io pkg is loaded, and io pkg related jars are added to java class path.
#You can optionally adjust your installed packages status per your specific needs and usage by executing  the following commands:
: a. To interactively load or unload a package
pkg load <pkg_name>
: or
pkg unload <pkg_name>
: b. To disable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
pkg rebuild -noauto <pkg_name>
: c. To enable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
pkg rebuild -auto <pkg_name>
: d. To completely uninstall a package
pkg uninstall <pkg_name>
===Optional installation of Notepad++ as an editor (recommended)===
#Download recent Notepad++ installation package from http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and install it on your system.
#Edit <your_install_dir>\share\octave\site\m\startup\octaverc and un-comment the line which sets octave default editor:
EDITOR('C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe');
: Note: You may adjust the above line for the location of notepad++.exe as installed on your system.
Upon launching, some warnings may be displayed. These warnings can be ignored.
*Following warnings are about missing external tools which may reduce some of the functions of some packages. These external tools are not provided by the 7z archives in sourceforge.
warning: gmsh does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
warning: dx does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
*Following warning is about fstat function of the statistics package that overloads the old (to be deprecated) fstat function of octave-3.6.1
warning: function C:\Octave\3.6.1_gcc-4.6.2\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.1.0\fstat.m shadows a core library function

==Octave-3.6.0-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==
==Octave-3.6.0-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==
