Antonio Pino

Joined 25 March 2015
(add more bibliography)
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== Y: Your task ==
== Y: Your task ==

The project I intend to do is [ Improve logm, sqrtm, funm]; its aim is to improve the existing implementations of [ Matrix Functions] in Octave based on the algorithms developed by [ a team lead by Prof. Higham] (project entitled Numerical Analysis of Matrix Functions, NAMF) at the University of Manchester. At this point in time, in Octave there are the following: [ expm] makes use of Padé approximant, [ logm] uses a Schur-Parlett algorithm, and [ sqrtm] using a variant of the algorithm in A New sqrtm for MATLAB.{{ref label|1|1}}. On the other hand, in Octave-Forge there are [ funm] and [ trigonometric and hyperbolic matrix functions]. For a general survey-introduction to matrix functions (or matrix computation in general) refer to Golub & Van Loan[2].
The project I intend to do is [ Improve logm, sqrtm, funm]; its aim is to improve the existing implementations of [ Matrix Functions] in Octave based on the algorithms developed by [ a team lead by Prof. Higham] (project entitled Numerical Analysis of Matrix Functions, NAMF) at the University of Manchester. At this point in time, in Octave there are the following: [ expm] makes use of Padé approximant, [ logm] uses a Schur-Parlett algorithm, and [ sqrtm] using a variant of the algorithm in A New sqrtm for MATLAB[1]. On the other hand, in Octave-Forge there are [ funm] and [ trigonometric and hyperbolic matrix functions]. For a general survey-introduction to matrix functions (or matrix computation in general) refer to Golub & Van Loan[2].

I believe this is of interest to Gnu Octave first, due to the goal of overall MATLAB compatibility and second, because more and more systems are being described by a matrix equation lately.
I believe this is of interest to Gnu Octave first, due to the goal of overall MATLAB compatibility and second, because more and more systems are being described by a matrix equation lately.
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:{{ref label|1|1}} N.J. Higham. A New sqrtm for MATLAB.  Numerical Analysis Report No. 336, Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics, Manchester, England, January 1999.
[1] N.J. Higham. A New sqrtm for MATLAB.  Numerical Analysis Report No. 336, Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics, Manchester, England, January 1999.

[2] G.H. Golub and C.F. Van Loan. Matrix Computations, 4th Edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA, 2013.
[2] G.H. Golub and C.F. Van Loan. Matrix Computations, 4th Edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA, 2013.
