Mapping package: Difference between revisions

(→‎Missing functions: grouped list)
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=== Missing functions ===
=== Missing functions ===
==== Alphabetical list ====
<div style="column-count:4;-moz-column-count:4;-webkit-column-count:4">
<div style="column-count:4;-moz-column-count:4;-webkit-column-count:4">
* aer2ecef
* aer2ecef
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* zdatam
* zdatam
==== Grouped list ====
{| {{table}}
| arcgridread||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| geotiff2mstruct||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| geotiffinfo||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| geotiffread||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| geotiffwrite||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| sdtsdemread||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| sdtsinfo||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| worldfileread||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| worldfilewrite||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| getworldfilename||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| gpxread||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| kmlwrite||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| kmlwriteline||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| kmlwritepoint||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| makeattribspec||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| shapeinfo||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| shaperead||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| shapewrite||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| makedbfspec||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| imread||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| imwrite||File Import and Export||Standard File Formats
| demdataui||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| dted||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| dteds||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| etopo||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| etopo5||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| globedem||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| globedems||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| gtopo30||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| gtopo30s||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| satbath||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| tbase||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| usgs24kdem||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| usgsdem||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| usgsdems||File Import and Export||Gridded Terrain and Bathymetry Products
| avhrrgoode||File Import and Export||Specific Vector and Gridded Data Products
| avhrrlambert||File Import and Export||Specific Vector and Gridded Data Products
| egm96geoid||File Import and Export||Specific Vector and Gridded Data Products
| gshhs||File Import and Export||Specific Vector and Gridded Data Products
| vmap0data||File Import and Export||Specific Vector and Gridded Data Products
| vmap0read||File Import and Export||Specific Vector and Gridded Data Products
| vmap0rhead||File Import and Export||Specific Vector and Gridded Data Products
| vmap0ui||File Import and Export||Specific Vector and Gridded Data Products
| WebMapServer||Web Maps||Web Map Service
| WMSCapabilities||Web Maps||Web Map Service
| WMSLayer||Web Maps||Web Map Service
| WMSMapRequest||Web Maps||Web Map Service
| wmsfind||Web Maps||Web Map Service
| wmsinfo||Web Maps||Web Map Service
| wmsread||Web Maps||Web Map Service
| wmsupdate||Web Maps||Web Map Service
| webmap||Web Maps||Web Map Display
| wmclose||Web Maps||Web Map Display
| wmprint||Web Maps||Web Map Display
| wmmarker||Web Maps||Web Map Display
| wmline||Web Maps||Web Map Display
| wmremove||Web Maps||Web Map Display
| wmcenter||Web Maps||Web Map Display
| wmzoom||Web Maps||Web Map Display
| wmlimits||Web Maps||Web Map Display
| axesm||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| axesmui||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| clma||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| gcm||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| getm||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| handlem||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| handlem-ui||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| ismap||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| setm||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| showaxes||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| tightmap||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| usamap||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| worldmap||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| namem||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| tagm||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| framem||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| ingeoquad||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| gridm||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| angl2str||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| mlabel||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| mlabelzero22pi||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| northarrow||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| plabel||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| rotatetext||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| scaleruler||Map Display||Map Layout and Axes
| geoshow||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| grid2image||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| linem||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| makesymbolspec||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| mapshow||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| meshm||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| pcolorm||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| plotm||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| plot3m||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| surfm||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| usamap||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| worldmap||Map Display||Vector and Raster Map Display
| camposm||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| camtargm||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| camupm||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| daspectm||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| demcmap||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| lightm||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| lightmui||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| meshlsrm||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| shaderel||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| surflm||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| surflsrm||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| surfacem||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| zdatam||Map Display||3-D Map Display
| clabelm||Map Display||Contour Maps
| clegendm||Map Display||Contour Maps
| contourcbar||Map Display||Contour Maps
| contourcmap||Map Display||Contour Maps
| contourm||Map Display||Contour Maps
| contour3m||Map Display||Contour Maps
| contourfm||Map Display||Contour Maps
| quiverm||Map Display||Thematic Maps
| quiver3m||Map Display||Thematic Maps
| scatterm||Map Display||Thematic Maps
| stem3m||Map Display||Thematic Maps
| symbolm||Map Display||Thematic Maps
| clrmenu||Map Display||Interaction with Maps
| gcpmap||Map Display||Interaction with Maps
| gtextm||Map Display||Interaction with Maps
| inputm||Map Display||Interaction with Maps
| maptool||Map Display||Interaction with Maps
| maptrim||Map Display||Interaction with Maps
| mapview||Map Display||Interaction with Maps
| originui||Map Display||Interaction with Maps
| parallelui||Map Display||Interaction with Maps
| bufferm||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| closePolygonParts||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| extractfield||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| flatearthpoly||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| interpm||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| intrplat||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| intrplon||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| isShapeMultipart||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| linecirc||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| polcmap||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| polyjoin||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| polymerge||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| polysplit||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| reducem||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| removeExtraNanSeparators||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| ispolycw||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| poly2ccw||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| poly2cw||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| poly2fv||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| polybool||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| polyxpoly||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| geopoint||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| geoshape||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| mappoint||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| mapshape||Data Analysis||Vector Data
| map.rasterref.GeographicRasterReference||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| map.rasterref.MapRasterReference||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| geoloc2grid||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| imbedm||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| ltln2val||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| mapoutline||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| resizem||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| limitm||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| georasterref||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| makerefmat||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| maprasterref||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| refmatToGeoRasterReference||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| refmatToMapRasterReference||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| refmatToWorldFileMatrix||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| refvecToGeoRasterReference||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| worldFileMatrixToRefmat||Data Analysis||Raster Data and Representations
| mapprofile||Data Analysis||Conversion Between Vector and Raster Data
| vec2mtx||Data Analysis||Conversion Between Vector and Raster Data
| gradientm||Data Analysis||Terrain Data Analysis
| los2||Data Analysis||Terrain Data Analysis
| viewshed||Data Analysis||Terrain Data Analysis
| wgs84Ellipsoid||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| earthRadius||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| rcurve||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| rsphere||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| geocentricLatitude||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| parametricLatitude||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| geodeticLatitudeFromGeocentric||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| geodeticLatitudeFromParametric||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| axes2ecc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| majaxis||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| minaxis||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| ecc2flat||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| flat2ecc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| ecc2n||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| n2ecc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| oblateSpheroid||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| referenceEllipsoid||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| referenceSphere||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| map.geodesy.AuthalicLatitudeConverter||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| map.geodesy.ConformalLatitudeConverter||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| map.geodesy.IsometricLatitudeConverter||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| map.geodesy.RectifyingLatitudeConverter||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Modeling the Earth
| degrees2dm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| degrees2dms||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| degtorad||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| dm2degrees||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| dms2degrees||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| fromDegrees||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| fromRadians||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| radtodeg||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| str2angle||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| toDegrees||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| toRadians||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| unitsratio||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| km2nm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| km2sm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| nm2km||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| nm2sm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| sm2km||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| sm2nm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| unwrapMultipart||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| wrapTo180||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| wrapTo360||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| wrapToPi||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| wrapTo2Pi||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| map.geodesy.isdegree||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| validateLengthUnit||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Lengths and Angles
| azimuth||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| departure||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| distance||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| gc2sc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| gcxgc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| gcxsc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| meridianarc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| meridianfwd||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| reckon||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| rhxrh||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| track1||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| track2||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| trackg||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| trackui||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines
| ellipse1||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| deg2km||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| deg2nm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| deg2sm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| gcxsc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| km2deg||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| km2rad||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| nm2deg||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| nm2rad||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| rad2km||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| rad2nm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| rad2sm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| scircle1||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| scircle2||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| scircleg||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| scirclui||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| scxsc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| sectorg||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| sm2deg||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| sm2rad||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Small Circles, Ellipses, and Spherical Distance
| areaint||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Zones, Lunes, Quadrangles, and Other Areas
| areamat||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Zones, Lunes, Quadrangles, and Other Areas
| areaquad||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Zones, Lunes, Quadrangles, and Other Areas
| bufgeoquad||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Zones, Lunes, Quadrangles, and Other Areas
| geoquadline||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Zones, Lunes, Quadrangles, and Other Areas
| geoquadpt||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Zones, Lunes, Quadrangles, and Other Areas
| ingeoquad||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Zones, Lunes, Quadrangles, and Other Areas
| intersectgeoquad||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Zones, Lunes, Quadrangles, and Other Areas
| outlinegeoquad||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Zones, Lunes, Quadrangles, and Other Areas
| map.rasterref.GeographicRasterReference||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| map.rasterref.MapRasterReference||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| antipode||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| mfwdtran||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| minvtran||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| newpole||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| org2pol||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| projfwd||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| projinv||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| putpole||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| rotatem||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| defaultm||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| geotiff2mstruct||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| maplist||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| maps||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| mfwdtran||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| minvtran||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| projlist||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| vfwdtran||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| vinvtran||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| clipdata||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| distortcalc||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| maptriml||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| maptrimp||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| maptrims||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| mdistort||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| tissot||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| utmgeoid||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| utmzone||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| utmzoneui||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ecef2geodetic||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| geodetic2ecef||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| geodetic2enu||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| geodetic2ned||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| geodetic2aer||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| enu2geodetic||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ned2geodetic||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| aer2geodetic||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ecef2enu||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ecef2ned||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ecef2aer||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| enu2ecef||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ned2ecef||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| aer2ecef||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| aer2enu||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| aer2ned||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| enu2aer||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ned2aer||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ecef2enuv||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ecef2nedv||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| enu2ecefv||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems
| ned2ecefv||Coordinates, Geodesy, and Projections||Coordinate Systems

=== Missing options ===
=== Missing options ===
