
Joined 3 March 2014
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== Y: Your task ==
== Y: Your task ==
* I have selected two tasks from the proposals list. The first is the development of the symbolic package [http://wiki.octave.org/Summer_of_Code_Project_Ideas#Rewrite_symbolic_package link ] and the second one is the improvement of the MPI package [http://wiki.octave.org/Summer_of_Code_Project_Ideas#Improve_MPI_package link ]. I would really like to work on any of these tasks but the truth is that if I had to choose I would go with the symbolic package.
* The task I have chosen is the implementation of [http://wiki.octave.org/Summer_of_Code_Project_Ideas#High_Precision_Arithmetic_Computation "High Precision Arithmetic Computation"]. The part that I would like to focus on would be the completion and test of the multi-precision class along with the implementation of several linear algebra algorithms which will support the use of multi-precision inputs.

I think that the symbolic package is one of the most usually used from the users of programs like Octave, and this is why I want to work on it.
* A rough estimated timeline for my work on the task would be :
I have build Octave's Development Sources and I am currently reading the code from the symbolic and the multi - precision package. A first step on the symbolic package will be the completion of the multi - precision class by including array and complex number support. Next step will be the development of a symbols class.

* As a rough timeline I would expect the array and complex number support of the multi - precision class to be completed by the mid - term. After that the symbols class development can begin.
First month ( beggining until the mid-term evaluation ) : adding array and complex number support on the existent multi-precision class implementation and testing them.
Second month : Getting basic linear algebra algorithms working natively on multi-precision matrix. Some of those algorithms would be :
Singular Value Decomposition ( SVD ),
QR factorization,
Cholesky factorization ( chol ),
Inverse matrix computation,
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors calculation,
Solving linear systems,
Root of non-linear function finder ( fzero ),
Minimum value finder ( fmins ).
Those algorithms will also be tested and debugged during the second month..
Third month : Finish what is left from previous month and add some more algorithms tested and debugged. Also check the documentation and anything else that comes up.
