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=Standalone ports=
=Standalone ports=
==Octave-3.6.4-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==
===Files for manual installation===
#Octave-3.6.4-mingw binaries tree
#* Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_20130329.7z - MD5:46BD238C664E17B4B25E72A11C38163F
#: This is a 7z archive which includes a directory tree of all the binaries and libraries required for a complete octave installation (excluding octaveforge packages)
#: It can be downloaded from [http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave%20Windows%20binaries/Octave%203.6.4%20for%20Windows%20MinGW%20installer/ Octave Forge]
#* The archive include:
#:* octave-3.6.4 including PDF documentation (built using Tatsuro Matsuka OctaveLibs and gplibs http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/octave/Eng/Win/)
#:* mingw32 + msys tool chain
#:* gnuplot-4.6.0
#:* fig2dev-3.2.5c
#:* ghostscript-9.0.7
#:* pstoedit-3.61
#:* OpenBLAS-v2.6.0 and ATLAS-3.8.4 based libblas altenatives
#*'''Maintainer:''' Nitzan Arazi
#*'''Latest update:''' 2013-03-29
#Octaveforge pkgs, built for Octave-3.6.4-mingw
#* Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_pkgs_20130331.7z - MD5:8AB5F5F88E7267FB1E47BABC29FD7FE0
#: It can be downloaded from [http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave%20Windows%20binaries/Octave%203.6.4%20for%20Windows%20MinGW%20installer/ Octave Forge]
#: This is a 7z archive which includes additional binaries and libraries for a set of octaveforge packages.
#* The included packages are:
#:* actuarial-1.1.0
#:* ad-1.0.6_patched
#:* audio-1.1.4
#:* benchmark-1.1.1
#:* bim-1.1.1
#:* bioinfo-0.1.2
#:* cgi-0.1.0
#:* civil-engineering-1.0.7
#:* combinatorics-2.0.0
#:* communications-1.1.1_patched
#:* control-2.4.2
#:* data-smoothing-1.3.0
#:* dataframe-0.9.1
#:* econometrics-1.1.1
#:* fenv-0.1.0
#:* financial-0.4.0
#:* fits-1.0.2
#:* fpl-1.3.3
#:* fuzzy-logic-toolkit-0.4.2
#:* ga-0.10.0
#:* general-1.3.2
#:* generate_html-0.1.5
#:* geometry-1.6.0
#:* gnuplot-1.0.1
#:* gsl-1.0.8
#:* ident-1.0.7
#:* image-2.0.0
#:* informationtheory-0.1.8
#:* integration-1.0.7_svn20120128
#:* io-1.2.1
#:* irsa-1.0.7
#:* java-1.2.9_patched
#:* linear-algebra-2.2.0
#:* lssa-0.1.2
#:* mapping-1.0.7
#:* mechanics-1.3.1
#:* miscellaneous-1.2.0
#:* missing-functions-1.0.2
#:* msh-1.0.6
#:* multicore-0.2.15
#:* nan-2.5.5
#:* ncarray-1.0.0
#:* nlwing2-1.2.0
#:* nnet-0.1.13
#:* nurbs-1.3.6
#:* ocs-0.1.3_svn20120128_patched
#:* octcdf-1.1.5
#:* octclip-1.0.3
#:* octgpr-1.2.0
#:* octproj-1.1.2
#:* odebvp-1.0.6
#:* odepkg-0.8.4
#:* optim-1.2.2
#:* optiminterp-0.3.4
#:* outliers-0.13.9
#:* physicalconstants-1.0.0
#:* plot-1.1.0
#:* quaternion-2.0.2
#:* queueing-1.2.1
#:* secs1d-0.0.9
#:* secs2d-0.0.8
#:* secs3d-0.0.1
#:* signal-1.2.1
#:* simp-1.1.0
#:* sockets-1.0.8_patched
#:* specfun-1.1.0
#:* special-matrix-1.0.7
#:* splines-1.1.2
#:* statistics-1.2.0
#:* strings-1.1.0_patched
#:* struct-1.0.10
#:* symband-1.0.10
#:* symbolic-1.1.0
#:* tcl-octave-0.1.8
#:* time-2.0.0
#:* tsa-4.2.4
#:* video-1.0.2_patched
#:* vrml-1.0.13_patched
#:* windows-1.2.1
#:* xraylib-1.0.8
#:* zenity-0.5.7
#*'''Maintainer:''' Nitzan Arazi
#*'''Latest update:''' 2013-03-31
===Manual installation instructions===
#Create an installation directory of which doesn't have space chars (i.e. C:\Octave\Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2\). This directory is referred hereafter as <your_install_dir>.
#Extract the complete directories tree from Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_20130329.7z to the installation directory  keeping the original directory structure as in the archive (you can use 7-zip tool from http://www.7-zip.org/).  Note that the archive contains Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2 folder, so you want to extract to the *parent* of <your_install_dir>.
#Copy octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2.lnk to any convenient location and edit its properties respectively to point to <your_install_dir>\bin\octave.exe and <your_install_dir>\doc\octave\icons\octave-logo.ico as an icon
#Note for windows 8 users: As a workaround for a gnulib windows 8 compatibility bug, add command line switches ' -i --line-editing' to the octave.exe shortcut (i.e. <octave-dir>\bin\octave.exe -i --line-editing)
#Copy octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_docs.lnk to any convenient location and edit its properties respectively to point to <your_install_dir>\doc\octave and <your_install_dir>\doc\octave\icons\octave-logo.ico as an icon.
#:At this point you can:
#: a. Launch and use octave by double-clicking the copied octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2.lnk
#: b. Access and browse the documentation files by double-clicking the copied octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_docs.lnk
#Optional libblas dll replacement for optimizing the linear algebra subroutines for your CPU:
#:* The default configuration should automatically detect your cpu architecture and select an appropriately tuned library.
#:* In case the default library is not properly functioning on the actual cpu, or you wish to explore the performance with another library, you can manually replace the default one by performing the following procedures (where libblas.dll.<libblas_source> should be replaced with the full name of the desired library from the list below these instructions):
#:*# Exit octave
#:*# Delete <your_install_dir>\bin\libblas.dll
#:*# Make a copy of the desired <your_install_dir>\bin\libblas.dll.<libblas_source>
#:*# Rename the copy of the desired <your_install_dir>\bin\libblas.dll.<libblas_source> to libblas.dll
#:*  The following is a list of the available libblas.dll.<libblas_source> options:
#:*# libblas.dll.ref - reference blas implementation, very slow but most stable
#:*# libblas.dll.OpenBLAS-v2.6.0-0-54e7b37_dynamicarch_nt4 - Openblas based, up to 4 threads, detects cpu architecture and selects respective lib
#:*# libblas.dll.OpenBLAS-v2.6.0-0-54e7b37_nehalem_nt4 - Openblas based, up to 4 threads, tuned for nehalem cpu architecture
#:*# libblas.dll.OpenBLAS-v2.6.0-0-54e7b37_core2_nt4 - Openblas based, up to 4 threads, tuned for core2 cpu architecture
#:*# libblas.dll.OpenBLAS-v2.6.0-0-54e7b37_sandybridge_nt4 - Openblas based, up to 4 threads, tuned for sandybridge cpu architecture
#:*# libblas.dll.OpenBLAS-v2.6.0-0-54e7b37_atom_nt4 - Openblas based, up to 4 threads, tuned for atom cpu architecture
#:*# libblas.dll.altas-3.8.4_ht-pentium - ATLAS based libblass, tuned for older ht-pentium (compiled by Tatsuro Matsuka)
#:*# libblas.dll.altas-3.8.4_corei5 - ATLAS based libblass, tuned for older core i5 cpu (compiled by Tatsuro Matsuka)
===Manual installation instructions for the Octave-forge packages===
#Extract the complete directories tree from Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_pkgs_201303313.7z to the installation directory (<your_install_dir>) keeping the original directory structure as in the archive (you can use 7zip tool from http://www.7-zip.org/).
#In order to update octave_packages database with your installation tree and auto-load most packages (excluding 'ad' and 'windows' which may crash octave when loaded and 'clear all' is executed), launch Octave and execute the following 3 rebuild commands from the octave console:
    pkg rebuild -auto
    pkg rebuild -noauto ad % may crash octave when loaded and 'clear all' is executed
    pkg rebuild -noauto nan % shadows many statistics functions
    pkg rebuild -noauto gsl % shadows some core functions
    pkg rebuild -auto java
#: Last pkg rebuild command is required in order for the java pkg entry to be moved to the top of <your_install_dir>\share\octave\octave_packages db file - thus java pkg is loaded before io pkg is loaded, and io pkg related jars are added to java class path.
#You can optionally adjust your installed packages status per your specific needs and usage by executing  the following commands:
: a. To interactively load or unload a package
pkg load <pkg_name>
: or
pkg unload <pkg_name>
: b. To disable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
pkg rebuild -noauto <pkg_name>
: c. To enable auto-load for specific pkg <pkg_name>
pkg rebuild -auto <pkg_name>
: d. To completely uninstall a package
pkg uninstall <pkg_name>
===Optional installation of Notepad++ as an editor (recommended)===
#Download recent Notepad++ installation package from http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and install it on your system.
#Edit <your_install_dir>\share\octave\site\m\startup\octaverc and un-comment the line which sets octave default editor:
EDITOR('C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe');
edit ("editor", sprintf ("%s %%s", EDITOR ()))
edit mode async
: Note: win64 users may use the w32 programs directory:
EDITOR('C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe');
: Note: You may adjust the above line for the location of notepad++.exe as installed on your system.
Upon launching, some warnings may be displayed. These warnings can be ignored.
*Following warnings are about missing external tools which may reduce some of the functions of some packages. These external tools are not provided by the 7z archives in sourceforge.
warning: gmsh does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
warning: dx does not seem to be present some functionalities will be disabled
*Following warning is about fstat function of the statistics package that overloads the old (to be deprecated) fstat function of octave-3.6.4
warning: function C:\Octave\3.6.4_gcc-4.6.2\share\octave\packages\statistics-1.2.0\fstat.m shadows a core library function

==Octave-3.6.2-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==
==Octave-3.6.2-mingw + octaveforge pkgs==
