[http://jupyter.org Jupyter Notebook] is a web-based worksheet interface for computing. There is an [https://github.com/Calysto/octave_kernel Octave kernel for Jupyter]. This project seeks to improve that kernel to make Octave a first-class experience within the Jupyter Notebook.
In general the [https://nbformat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Jupyter Notebook Format] is a plain JSON document, which is supported since Octave 7 (current development version). Another valuable project outcome is to run (and fill) those Jupyter Notebooks from within Octave. This would enable Jupyter Notebook users to evaluate long running Octave Notebooks on a computing server without permanent browser connection, which is [https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/1647 still a pending issue].
* '''Minimum requirements'''
: Octave and Python programming knowledge.
* '''Difficulty'''
: Medium.
* '''Mentors'''
: [[User:Siko1056|Kai T. Ohlhus]], Colin B. Macdonald, Mike Miller