Online Developer Meeting (2025-03-25)

Today's topics

  • Octave 10.1.0 release
  • Discussion on continued use of Savannah Bug Tracker
    • Latest motivation to find something better is the inability to search for bug reports for old releases

Previous topics

  • Octave 9.4.0 has been released
  • Release process of Octave 10
    • Potential blockers
      • BIST interaction with lastwarn (lastwarn) [Have package maintainers check and recode BIST tests where possible. Research eliminating "-quiet" option to warning() in Octave 11 and consider a new architecture for %!warning tests in Octave 11]
      • ASAN/UBSAN bug reports [simple ones fixed. Remaining issues are long-term, large changes to go on dev branch]
    • Ok to push fix for reading NA values on ARM [Change will be pushed and testing will occur with release candidate]
    • Fix up minor pkg issue [1]? [Will make minor change in build system to export an empty global_list file]
    • Keep contributors that didn't explicitly agree to that in doc/interpreter/ [Revert to existing behavior of 6 weeks ago. Octave will move to a new system for version 11]
    • Bug reporting style in /etc/NEWS (at start or end of one sentence summary) [Keep Arun's automated style, bug number in front]
    • Remaining Tasks
      • C++ Style Check (Rik)
      • Update installer-files/README.html in MXE Octave with version highlights.
  • Sloppy Numfocus website? ( Clicking on Octave logo goes to, not Octave web site. [1. Top logo should point to, 2. Contribute code logo should point to Get Involved page, 3. Bottom logo should point to website, not Mercurial archive]
  • FYI: Colin created at GNU Octave group at, as an alternative to and If packager want to host their dev sites there, please reach out.

See also