Statistics package
The statistics package is part of the octave-forge project.
Follows an incomplete list of stuff missing in the statistics package to be matlab compatible. Bugs are not listed here, search and report them on the bug tracker instead.
this entire section is about the current development version. If a Matlab function is missing from the list and does not appear on the current release of the package, confirm that is also missing in the development sources before adding it.
Missing functions
- ClassificationBaggedEnsemble
- ClassificationDiscriminant
- ClassificationEnsemble
- ClassificationKNN
- ClassificationPartitionedEnsemble
- ClassificationPartitionedModel
- ClassificationTree
- CompactClassificationDiscriminant
- CompactClassificationEnsemble
- CompactClassificationTree
- CompactRegressionEnsemble
- CompactRegressionTree
- CompactTreeBagger
- ExhaustiveSearcher
- GeneralizedLinearModel
- GeneralizedLinearModel.stepwise
- KDTreeSearcher
- LinearMixedModel
- LinearMixedModel.fitmatrix
- LinearModel
- LinearModel.stepwise
- NaiveBayes
- NonLinearModel
- ProbDistUnivKernel
- ProbDistUnivParam
- RegressionBaggedEnsemble
- RegressionEnsemble
- RegressionPartitionedEnsemble
- RegressionPartitionedModel
- RegressionTree
- TreeBagger
- addTerms
- addedvarplot
- addlevels
- adtest
- andrewsplot
- anova1
- anova2
- ansaribradley
- aoctool
- barttest
- bbdesign
- betafit
- betalike
- binofit
- biplot
- bootci
- bootstrp
- candexch
- candgen
- canoncorr
- capability
- capaplot
- ccdesign
- cdfplot
- cell2dataset
- chi2gof
- cholcov
- classify
- classregtree
- cluster
- clusterdata
- clustering.evaluation.CalinskiHarabaszEvaluation
- clustering.evaluation.DaviesBouldinEvaluation
- clustering.evaluation.GapEvaluation
- clustering.evaluation.SilhouetteEvaluation
- coefCI
- coefTest
- compact
- compare
- confusionmat
- controlchart
- controlrules
- cophenet
- copulafit
- copulaparam
- copulastat
- cordexch
- corrcov
- covarianceParameters
- coxphfit
- createns
- crosstab
- datasample
- dataset
- dataset2cell
- dataset2struct
- dataset2table
- datasetfun
- daugment
- dcovary
- designMatrix
- devianceTest
- dfittool
- disttool
- droplevels
- dummyvar
- dwtest
- ecdf
- ecdfhist
- evalclusters
- evcdf
- evfit
- evinv
- evlike
- evpdf
- evrnd
- evstat
- explike
- export
- factoran
- fitdist
- fitensemble
- fitglm
- fitlm
- fitlme
- fitlmematrix
- fitnlm
- fitted
- fixedEffects
- fracfact
- fracfactgen
- friedman
- fsurfht
- gagerr
- getlabels
- getlevels
- gline
- glmfit
- glmval
- glyphplot
- gname
- gpcdf
- gpfit
- gpinv
- gplike
- gplotmatrix
- gppdf
- gprnd
- gpstat
- grpstats
- gscatter
- haltonset
- hmmdecode
- hmmtrain
- hougen
- icdf
- inconsistent
- interactionplot
- invpred
- islevel
- ismissing
- isundefined
- jbtest
- johnsrnd
- join
- knnsearch
- kruskalwallis
- ksdensity
- kstest
- kstest2
- labels
- lasso
- lassoPlot
- lassoglm
- levelcounts
- leverage
- lhsdesign
- lhsnorm
- lillietest
- linhyptest
- lognfit
- lognlike
- lsline
- mahal
- maineffectsplot
- makedist
- manova1
- manovacluster
- mat2dataset
- mdscale
- mergelevels
- mhsample
- mle
- mlecov
- mnrfit
- mnrval
- multcompare
- multivarichart
- mvregress
- mvregresslike
- nancov
- nbinfit
- ncfcdf
- ncfinv
- ncfpdf
- ncfrnd
- ncfstat
- nctcdf
- nctinv
- nctpdf
- nctrnd
- nctstat
- ncx2cdf
- ncx2inv
- ncx2pdf
- ncx2rnd
- ncx2stat
- negloglik
- nlinfit
- nlintool
- nlmefit
- nlmefitsa
- nlparci
- nlpredci
- nnmf
- nominal
- normfit
- normlike
- normspec
- optimalleaforder
- ordinal
- parallelcoords
- paramci
- paretotails
- partialcorr
- partialcorri
- pca
- pearsrnd
- perfcurve
- plotAdded
- plotAdjustedResponse
- plotDiagnostics
- plotEffects
- plotInteraction
- plotResiduals
- plotSlice
- poissfit
- polytool
- ppca
- predict
- prob.BetaDistribution
- prob.BinomialDistribution
- prob.BirnbaumSaundersDistribution
- prob.BurrDistribution
- prob.ExponentialDistribution
- prob.ExtremeValueDistribution
- prob.GammaDistribution
- prob.GeneralizedExtremeValueDistribution
- prob.GeneralizedParetoDistribution
- prob.InverseGaussianDistribution
- prob.KernelDistribution
- prob.LogisticDistribution
- prob.LoglogisticDistribution
- prob.LognormalDistribution
- prob.MultinomialDistribution
- prob.NakagamiDistribution
- prob.NegativeBinomialDistribution
- prob.NormalDistribution
- prob.PiecewiseLinearDistribution
- prob.PoissonDistribution
- prob.RayleighDistribution
- prob.RicianDistribution
- prob.TriangularDistribution
- prob.UniformDistribution
- prob.WeibullDistribution
- prob.tLocationScaleDistribution
- probplot
- procrustes
- proflik
- qrandset
- qrandstream
- randomEffects
- randtool
- rangesearch
- ranksum
- raylfit
- rcoplot
- refcurve
- refline
- regstats
- relieff
- removeTerms
- residuals
- response
- ridge
- robustdemo
- robustfit
- rotatefactors
- rowexch
- rsmdemo
- rstool
- sampsizepwr
- scatterhist
- sequentialfs
- setlabels
- signrank
- silhouette
- slicesample
- sobolset
- statget
- statset
- step
- stepwise
- stepwiseglm
- stepwiselm
- struct2dataset
- surfht
- svmclassify
- svmtrain
- table2dataset
- tabulate
- tdfread
- tiedrank
- truncate
- unifit
- vartestn
- wblfit
- wbllike
- wblplot
- x2fx
- xptread