Octave for MinGW
Starting from Tatsuro's 3.6.0 binary, build env and dependency zips,
msys-tm -> \msys (msys\1.0\<> -> .\msys)
- bin
- etc (Adapt fstab!!!)
- home
- postinstall
- share
mingw-tm -> \mingw
- share: clean up, only keep doc/, info/, locale/ and man/
- keep the rest
- bin -> \bin
- etc -> \etc
- include -> \include
- lib -> \lib
- share\man -> mingw\share\man
- man -> \mingw\man
- bin -> \bin
- lib -> \lib
- man -> \mingw\man
- share -> \share
- include -> \include
gnuwin32 -> \gnuwin32
Add /license
Adapt /share/octave/3.6.0/m/starttup/octaverc (add editor, default dir) Adapt octave360.bat (proper paths to /bin, /mingw/bin, /msys/bin)
To do (incomplete list!)
- clean up
- add licenses from dependency libs
- ....
Philip Nienhuis, Jan 16, 2012