Signal package
The signal package is part of the Octave Forge project and provides signal processing algorithms for use with Octave. The functions provided by the signal package include creation of waveforms, FIR and IIR filter design, spectral analysis, Fourier and other transforms, window functions, and resampling and rate changing.
Missing Functions
This is a list of functions that are not yet implemented in the Octave signal package. This list is subject to change and may not be complete in any sense. However, it is a starting point when looking for missing functionality or for possible projects to work on.
- demod
- modulate
- seqperiod
- shiftdata
- strips
- udecode
- uencode
- unshiftdata
- vco
Signal Measurement
- bandpower
- dutycycle
- enbw
- falltime
- midcross
- overshoot
- peak2peak
- peak2rms
- pulseperiod
- pulsesep
- pulsewidth
- risetime
- rms
- rssq
- settlingtime
- sfdr
- slewrate
- statelevels
- undershoot
Filter Analysis
- filternorm
- filtord
- firtype
- impzlength
- isallpass
- islinphase
- ismaxphase
- isminphase
- isstable
- phasedelay
- phasez
- stepz
- zerophase
Filter Conversion
- cell2sos
- filt2block
- latc2tf
- latcfilt
- realizemdl
- sos2cell
- sos2ss
- ss2sos
- tf2latc
- tf2zpk
IIR Filter Design
- lp2bp
- lp2bs
- lp2hp
- lp2lp
- yulewalk
FIR Filter Design
- cfirpm
- equiripple
- fircls
- fircls1
- firpm
- firpmord
- firrcos
- freqsamp
- gaussfir
- intfilt
- kaiserwin
- maxflat
- polyscale
- digitrevorder
- goertzel
- icceps
Spectral Analysis
- cconv
- corrmtx
- db
- db2mag
- db2pow
- mag2db
- pcov
- peig
- pmcov
- pmtm
- pmusic
- pow2db
- rooteig
- rootmusic
- spectrogram
Window Functions
- dpss
- dpssclear
- dpssdir
- dpssload
- taylorwin
System Identification
- ac2poly
- ac2rc
- arcov
- armcov
- corrmtx
- is2rc
- lar2rc
- lpc
- lsf2poly
- poly2ac
- poly2lsf
- poly2rc
- polyscale
- prony
- rc2ac
- rc2is
- rc2lar
- rc2poly
- rlevinson
- schurrc
- stmcb
Classdef-based Filter Design
- design
- designmethods
- designopts
- fdesign
- fdesign.arbmag
- fdesign.bandpass
- fdesign.bandstop
- fdesign.differentiator
- fdesign.highpass
- fdesign.hilbert
- fdesign.lowpass
- fdesign.pulseshaping
- setspecs
- validstructures
- window
Interactive Design Tools
- dspfwiz
- fdatool
- filterbuilder
- fvtool
- sptool
- wintool
- wvtool