Communications package
The communications package is part of the Octave Forge project and provides digital communications functions for use with Octave. The functions provided by the communications package include creation of signals and noise, channel modeling and equalization, block and convolutional coding, and modulation and demodulation.
Missing FunctionsEdit
This is a list of functions that are not yet implemented in the Octave communications package. This list is subject to change and may not be complete in any sense. However, it is a starting point when looking for missing functionality or for possible projects to work on.
- alignsignals
- finddelay
Source CodingEdit
- arithdeco
- arithenco
Block InterleavingEdit
- algdeintrlv
- algintrlv
- convdeintrlv
- convintrlv
- heldeintrlv
- muxdeintrlv
- muxintrlv
Block CodingEdit
- bchdec
- bchenc
- bchgenpoly
- bchnumerr
- rsgenpolycoeffs
Convolutional CodingEdit
- iscatastrophic
- vitdec
- dpskdemod
- dpskmod
- fskdemod
- fskmod
- modnorm
- oqpskdemod
- oqpskmod
- pmdemod
- pmmod
- ssbdemod
- ssbmod
Channel FiltersEdit
- intdump
- rcosflt
- rcosiir
- rectpulse
Galois Fields of Odd CharacteristicEdit
- gfadd
- gfconv
- gfcosets
- gfdeconv
- gfdiv
- gffilter
- gflineq
- gfminpol
- gfmul
- gfpretty
- gfprimck
- gfprimdf
- gfprimfd
- gfrank
- gfrepcov
- gfroots
- gfsub
- gftrunc
- gftuple
Utility FunctionsEdit
- bin2gray
- gray2bin
- cma
- dfe
- equalize
- lineareq
- lms
- mlseeq
- normlms
- reset
- rls
- signlms
- varlms
Channel ModelsEdit
- legacychannelsim
- plot
- rayleighchan
- ricianchan
- stdchan
Measurement and AnalysisEdit
- berawgn
- bercoding
- berfading
- berfit
- bersync
- distspec
- noisebw
- semianalytic
Interactive Analysis ToolsEdit
- bertool
- EyeScope