uicontrols: Build a GUI in GNU Octave
You have to use the "qt" graphics toolkit (default since 4.0). For the best results GNU Octave version >= 4.2.x should be used.
GUI which opens a file selection dialog when a button is pressed and views the selected image.
Code: imageViewer example |
%% In file 'imageViewer.m'
function imageViewer ()
MainFrm = figure ( ...
'position', [100, 100, 250, 350]);
TitleFrm = axes ( ...
'position', [0, 0.8, 1, 0.2], ...
'color', [0.9, 0.95, 1], ...
'xtick', [], ...
'ytick', [], ...
'xlim', [0, 1], ...
'ylim', [0, 1] );
Title = text (0.05, 0.5, 'Preview Image', 'fontsize', 30);
ImgFrm = axes ( ...
'position', [0, 0.2, 1, 0.6], ...
'xtick', [], ...
'ytick', [], ...
'xlim', [0, 1], ...
'ylim', [0, 1]);
ButtonFrm = uicontrol (MainFrm, ...
'style', 'pushbutton', ...
'string', 'OPEN THE IMAGE', ...
'units', 'normalized', ...
'position', [0, 0, 1, 0.2], ...
'callback', { @previewImage, ImgFrm });
%% callback subfunction (in same file)
function previewImage (hObject, eventdata, ImageFrame)
[fname, fpath] = uigetfile();
Img = imread (fullfile(fpath, fname));
imshow(Img, []);
axis image off
Then run imageViewer()
from your terminal:
This example tries to show all available uicontrols (needs Octave >= 4.0 and qt):
Code: demo_uicontrol.m |
## 20.03.2017 Andreas Weber <andy@josoansi.de>
## Demo which has the aim to show all available GUI elements.
## Useful since Octave 4.0
close all
clear h
graphics_toolkit qt
h.ax = axes ("position", [0.05 0.42 0.5 0.5]);
h.fcn = @(x) polyval([-0.1 0.5 3 0], x);
function update_plot (obj, init = false)
## gcbo holds the handle of the control
h = guidata (obj);
replot = false;
recalc = false;
switch (gcbo)
case {h.print_pushbutton}
fn = uiputfile ("*.png");
print (fn);
case {h.grid_checkbox}
v = get (gcbo, "value");
grid (merge (v, "on", "off"));
case {h.minor_grid_toggle}
v = get (gcbo, "value");
grid ("minor", merge (v, "on", "off"));
case {h.plot_title_edit}
v = get (gcbo, "string");
set (get (h.ax, "title"), "string", v);
case {h.linecolor_radio_blue}
set (h.linecolor_radio_red, "value", 0);
replot = true;
case {h.linecolor_radio_red}
set (h.linecolor_radio_blue, "value", 0);
replot = true;
case {h.linestyle_popup, h.markerstyle_list}
replot = true;
case {h.noise_slider}
recalc = true;
if (recalc || init)
x = linspace (-4, 9);
noise = get (h.noise_slider, "value");
set (h.noise_label, "string", sprintf ("Noise: %.1f%%", noise * 100));
y = h.fcn (x) + 5 * noise * randn (size (x));
if (init)
h.plot = plot (x, y, "b");
guidata (obj, h);
set (h.plot, "ydata", y);
if (replot)
cb_red = get (h.linecolor_radio_red, "value");
lstyle = get (h.linestyle_popup, "string"){get (h.linestyle_popup, "value")};
lstyle = strtrim (lstyle(1:2));
mstyle = get (h.markerstyle_list, "string"){get (h.markerstyle_list, "value")};
if (strfind (mstyle, "none"))
mstyle = "none";
mstyle = mstyle(2);
set (h.plot, "color", merge (cb_red, [1 0 0 ], [0 0 1]),
"linestyle", lstyle,
"marker", mstyle);
## plot title
h.plot_title_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "plot title: (text)",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.6 0.85 0.35 0.08]);
h.plot_title_edit = uicontrol ("style", "edit",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Please fill me! (edit)",
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.6 0.80 0.35 0.06]);
## grid
h.grid_checkbox = uicontrol ("style", "checkbox",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "show grid\n(checkbox)",
"value", 0,
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.6 0.65 0.35 0.09]);
h.minor_grid_toggle = uicontrol ("style", "togglebutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "minor\n(togglebutton)",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0,
"position", [0.77 0.65 0.18 0.09]);
## print figure
h.print_pushbutton = uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "print plot\n(pushbutton)",
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.6 0.45 0.35 0.09]);
## noise
h.noise_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Noise:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.3 0.35 0.08]);
h.noise_slider = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.4,
"position", [0.05 0.25 0.35 0.06]);
## linecolor
h.linecolor_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Linecolor:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.12 0.35 0.08]);
h.linecolor_radio_blue = uicontrol ("style", "radiobutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "blue",
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.05 0.08 0.15 0.04]);
h.linecolor_radio_red = uicontrol ("style", "radiobutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "red",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0,
"position", [0.05 0.02 0.15 0.04]);
## linestyle
h.linestyle_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Linestyle:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.25 0.12 0.35 0.08]);
h.linestyle_popup = uicontrol ("style", "popupmenu",
"units", "normalized",
"string", {"- solid lines",
"-- dashed lines",
": dotted lines",
"-. dash-dotted lines"},
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.25 0.05 0.3 0.06]);
## markerstyle
h.markerstyle_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Marker style:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.58 0.3 0.35 0.08]);
h.markerstyle_list = uicontrol ("style", "listbox",
"units", "normalized",
"string", {"none",
"'+' crosshair",
"'o' circle",
"'*' star",
"'.' point",
"'x' cross",
"'s' square",
"'d' diamond",
"'^' upward-facing triangle",
"'v' downward-facing triangle",
"'>' right-facing triangle",
"'<' left-facing triangle",
"'p' pentagram",
"'h' hexagram"},
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.58 0.04 0.38 0.26]);
set (gcf, "color", get(0, "defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor"))
guidata (gcf, h)
update_plot (gcf, true);