Reviewing Octave Forge packages
Help reviewing Octave-Forge packages
We need help. Here is how:
- Pick a package at
- Copy the check-list below and fill it out, marking each box:
for passed[n/a]
for non-applicable[ ]
for skipped (because you cannot do it, missing software, etc)[F]
for fails.
- Paste your filled in check-list as a comment on the issue above
What happens next
An admin will try to look over your review and hopefully release the package. More than one person can review a package, in fact that would be great.
[ ] release candidate installed on latest Octave release [ ] no compiler errors or serious warnings [ ] ran all tests using runtests (including tests in the src dir) [ ] ran doctest on all functions (optional) [ ] Above steps were run on Octave versions: * ________ [provide list] [ ] package works on minimum Octave version in DESCRIPTION [ ] reasonable dependencies listed in DESCRIPTION [ ] ran generate_package_html [ ] no makeinfo errors and warnings during HTML build [ ] unpacked and spot-checked the generated HTML documentation [ ] NEWS file makes sense, version and date match [ ] All functions are listed in INDEX
Common problems
Here are some common problems that reviewers can check for
- INDEX is missing some new functions added
- NEWS has not been updated or is missing something big
- Version numbers or dates do not match between DESCRIPTION and NEWS
- Common makeinfo errors like "@bye seen before @end deftypefn"
- DESCRIPTION says pkg works with old Octave 4.x but it fails for me
- Obviously, compiler errors, warnings, test failures