Image package
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The image package is part of the octave-forge project. See its homepage for the latest release.
Follows an incomplete list of stuff missing in the image package to be matlab compatible. Bugs are not listed here, search and report them on the bug tracker instead.
The following are missing targets for the next minor release of the image package (version 2.7.0). Small bug fixes, build fixes, and regressions may still be released before in a patch release (Version 2.6.X).
- add ellipse properties to
(see bug #44100) (done) - speed up
for large images with many small objects (probably work around for loop with labeled == labelid) - support passing
output toregionprops
(and then fixbwpropfilt
to use that instead of a labeled image) - ND support on
- check if
is Matlab compatible and investigate making use offftconvn
since it's likely to receive large input - investigate implementing the missing deconvolution functions (see patch #8571)
- anything else that is done or submitted before the above are done
Missing functions
this entire section is about the current development version. If a Matlab function is missing from the list and does not appear on the current release of the package, confirm that is also missing in the development sources before adding it.
- activecontour
- adapthisteq
- affine2d
- affine3d
- applycform
- axes2pix
- bwconvhull
- bwdistgeodesic
- bwlookup
- bwpack
- bwtraceboundary
- bwulterode
- bwunpack
- convmtx2
- corner
- cornermetric
- cpcorr
- cpselect
- cpstruct2pairs
- dct2
- dctmtx
- deconvblind
- deconvlucy
- deconvreg
- deconvwnr
- decorrstretch
- demosaic
- dicomanon
- dicomdisp
- dicomuid
- dpxread
- dpxinfo
- fan2para
- fanbeam
- fliptform
- freqz2
- fsamp2
- ftrans2
- fwind1
- fwind2
- gabor
- getimage
- getimagemodel
- getline
- getpts
- getrect
- gradientweight
- graycoprops
- grayconnected
- graydiffweight
- hdrread
- hdrwrite
- hough -- (see hough_circle)
- houghlines -- (see hough_line)
- houghpeaks
- iccfind
- iccread
- iccroot
- iccwrite
- idct2
- ifanbeam
- im2java2d
- ImageAdapter
- imageinfo
- imapplymatrix
- imapprox
- imboxfilt
- imboxfilt3
- imcolormaptool
- imcontour
- imcontrast
- imdisplayrange
- imdistline
- imellipse
- imextendedmax
- imextendedmin
- imfill -- (see bwfill)
- imfindcircles
- imfreehand
- imfuse
- imgaborfilt
- imgaussfilt
- imgaussfilt3
- imgca
- imgcf
- imguidedfilter
- imhandles
- imhistmatch
- imhmax
- imhmin
- imimposemin
- imline
- immagbox
- immovie
- imoverview
- imoverviewpanel
- impixelinfo
- impixelinfoval
- impixelregionpanel
- impixelregion
- implay
- impoint
- impoly
- improfile
- imrect
- imref2d
- imref3d
- imregconfig
- imregcorr
- imregdemons
- imregister
- imregtform
- imroi
- imscrollpanel
- imsegfmm
- imseggeodesic
- imsharpen
- imshowpair
- imtool
- imwarp
- integralBoxFilter
- integralBoxFilter3
- integralImage
- integralImage3
- interfileinfo
- interfileread
- iptaddcallback
- iptcheckhandle
- iptgetapi
- iptGetPointerBehavior
- iptgetpref
- ipticondir
- iptPointerManager
- iptprefs
- iptremovecallback
- iptSetPointerBehavior
- iptsetpref
- iptwindowalign
- isicc
- isrset
- makecform
- makeConstrainToRectFcn
- makehdr
- makeresampler
- multithresh
- nitfinfo
- nitfread
- openrset
- para2fan
- projective2d
- regionfill
- roifill
- roifilt2
- roipoly
- rsetwrite
- ssim
- tformarray
- tonemap
- truesize
- visboundaries
- viscircles
- warp
- whitepoint
- wiener2
- xyz2double
- xyz2uint16
Different functions
- with version 2014a, Matlab introduced a new function imtranslate. This function was part of Octave's package since 2002 but Matlab version is completely different. It needs to be rewritten for Matlab compatibility.
Missing options
- @strel
- missing SE decomposition for the diamond shape
- approximation argument for the ball and disk shapes are not implemented
- the translate method is not yet implemented
- blockproc
- The name-value input arguments have not yet been implemented.
- colfilt
- the option to split the image in smaller blocks before performing the im2col and filtering is ignored. Since that option only allows to use less memory and has no effect on the output is only important for sliding filtering with big blocks size.
- impixel
- interactive selection of points (less than 2 input arguments) is not yet implemented. Ability to create such UIs needs to be implemented in Octave core first.
- imcrop
- messing around with alternative coordinate systems (XData and YData) are not yet implemented.
- imwrap
- no supports for SmoothEdges option
- It'd help to group the missing functions above, as per [1] (similar to what was done in the signal package wiki page); please keep the original alphabetical list intact.
Open Bugs
- #38085: image package: fails to build with --enable-64 (entropyfilt)
- #38087: image package: graycomatrix incompatibilities with matlab
- #38345: image package: __spatial_filtering__() always returns class double
- #41674: image package: temporary arrays in imresize are doubles
- #41768: imdither() calls imwrite() in the wrong way (Package: image)
- #43218: image package: imshear causes more signal spread than expected and inconsistent vertical offset
- #44396: image package: bwmorph shrink does not preserve Euler numbe
- #44799: image package: imrotate chrashes when using 'spline' as interpolation method
- #44831: image package: imrotate - different dimensions of output matrix
- #45088: image package: rangefilt requires domain and image to have equa number of dimensions
- #45333: image package: grayhresh fails if input doesn't have different values
- #46745: image package: imresize default method (bicubic) Matlab incompatible for the border pixels
- #47115: label2rgb from image-package doesn't work for labels with value above the uint16 limit
- #48529: image package: compilation warnings under Mac OSX
- #48794: image package: imreconstruct should clip marker > mask
- #49613: image package - regionprops.m majoraxislength broken
- #49941: image package: rgb2gray of a single image produces a double image
- #50071: OF image: bwfill(...,4) in Octave behaves like bwfill(...,8) in MATLAB and vice versa
- #50122: image package: normxcorr2 sometimes returns inf values
- #50151: image package: normxcorr2 is not compatible with Matlab
- #50152: rgb2ycbcr and ycbcr2rgb conversions do not preserve single class
- #50153: image package: bwperim result on 1x1input incorrect