Online Developer Meeting (2024-05-28)

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Today's topics

  • We've used just 483GB of our 4000GB Digital Ocean outbound data transfer limit so far in May. We could consider (limited?) distribution of default branch builds for testing purposes.
  • Timing for next bugfix release: Expected by now, but delayed again because of bugs(?) - do we need another release candidate?
    • We do not need another RC. TODO: @jwe to do release.
    • Some discussion about release-candidates: we generally do RC only for 9.1 but not for 9.2, 9.3 etc.
  • Using Octave 10 (or 11?) to introduce the string class and other changes that will break backward compatibility without the usual two-release deprecation period.
    • Most seemed to feel that trying to maintain both via switches or
    • TODO: strings branch ASAP
    • TODO: @jwe to make posts/wiki whatever track/identify isuses
  • GSoC
    • Brief introduction to the three summer projects.
    • Note: focus on classdef.
  • Octave in MSYS2 (binary distributor for Windows MinGW)
    • don't bring back 32-bit binaries: MSYS2 is about to stop shipping that too.
  • OctConf
  • Use of config.h / octave-config.h in Octave header files. What symbols belong in octave-config.h?

Previous topics

  • Timing for next bugfix release
  • GSoC projects
    • 8 applications
    • Selection the day after the meeting
  • OctConf 2024
  • Roadmap and priorities for Octave 10
  • Discuss a potential timeline for native string class support
    • Blocker: Inability to save classdef objects to files. Potentially realizable in incremental steps:
      • Implement a low-level HDF5 interface that is usable from .m code.
      • Implement saving double arrays in Matlab-compatible -v7.3 format in .m files.
      • Implement saving in that format for other types (including classdef).
  • Should we make and distribute nightly builds for Windows for the default branch?
    • Traffic from Digital Ocean limited to 4 TB. (Higher monthly rate if exceeded?)
    • Probably no additional nightly build configurations for now.
  • Octave in MSYS2 (binary distributor for Windows MinGW)

See also