GNU Octave Wiki es

Revision as of 14:37, 24 April 2023 by Artisan (talk | contribs)

GNU Octave es un lenguaje interpretado de alto nivel, principalmente orientado para computaciones numéricas. Posee capacidades para a solución de problemas numéricos lineales y no lineales además de otros experimentos numéricos. Contiene una extensa librerìa de herramientas gráficas para la manipulación y visualizacón de datos. El

programa se nombró en honor a Octave Levenspiel, exprofesor del autor principal de Octave. GNU Octave es usado normalmente a través de su interface (CLI y GUI), but it can also be used to write non-interactive programs. The project was conceived around 1988 and at first it was intended to be a companion to a chemical reactor design course. The GNU Octave language is largely compatible to Matlab so that most programs are easily portable. In addition, functions known from the C standard library and from UNIX system calls and functions are supported. C/C++ and Fortran code can be called from Octave by creating Oct-Files, or using Matlab compatible Mex-Files.

⚙️ Installing

Installation instructions for:

Get installers and sources from

GNU Octave 9.1.0 is the current stable release.

Are you using an old version of Octave? Check the Release History page to see how old it is.

❓ Getting help

💡 Getting started 🔰

🔬 Development

We always need more help improving Octave and there are many ways you can contribute (fixing bugs, developing new features, answering questions on Octave Discourse, ...).

📦 Packages

📝User Contributed Code

🎓 Academia

🌐 External Links