
Joined 3 March 2014
1,217 bytes removed ,  5 May 2014
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* A rough estimated timeline for my work on the task would be :
* A rough estimated timeline for my work on the task would be :

'''Beginning until the mid term period ( May 19th - June 22nd )'''
'''Beginning until the end of first month ( June 1st - June 30th )'''

Include support for array and complex numbers on the already existent version of the multi-precision package.
Include support for array and complex numbers on the already existent version of the multi-precision package.
Supposing a green light is given for the creation of a basic numerical type, this period's schedule will include working with Octave's core maintainers in order to embed the new type.

Implement upclassing on operations involving objects of the multi-precision class.
Implement upclassing on operations involving objects of the multi-precision class.

Milestone 1 : mid term evaluation : The goal at this moment will be to have a fully functioning multi-precision class, including array, complex number support and upclassing.  
Milestone 1 : mid term evaluation : The goal at this moment will be to have a fully functioning multi-precision class, including array, complex number support and upclassing.  
Notes : If the creation of a new basic numerical type is accepted, then the goal will be to have the new basic type implemented and functioning among arrays and complex numbers. Due to the fact that this process includes cooperation with other Octave programmers, current time schedule might not be fully met at the mid term evaluation. Concretely there might be some functionality missing on the new basic type. As an example there might not be any support for complex numbers.

All deliverables will be tested and debugged during this period.
All deliverables will be tested and debugged during this period.

'''( June 23rd - June 27th )'''
'''( July 1th - August 31st )'''
Mid term evaluation, some testing and debugging. Planing on what to be done next. For example, if there is missing functionally on the new basic numerical type, plans will be made on when and how will this functionality be added.
'''( June 28th - July 11th )'''
Adding missing functionality on the new basic type. ( if any )
If there is no functionality missing, then the development of the linear algebra algorithms can begin. A rough estimate would be about four days per algorithm including testing and debugging.
'''( July 12th - August 11th )'''

Continue with the algorithms' development. Given the four days per algorithm estimation, about 7 - 8 different algorithms should be created during this period.
Continue with the algorithms' development. Given the four days per algorithm estimation, about 7 - 8 different algorithms should be created during this period.
