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=== Missing options ===
== Hypothesis Testing ==

*explike: censoring and frequency aren't yet implemented
Functions available for hypothesis testing
{| class="wikitable"
! Function
! Description
| adtest
| Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit hypothesis test.
| anova1
| Perform a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
| anova2
| Performs two-way factorial (crossed) or a nested analysis of variance (ANOVA) for balanced designs.
| anovan
| Perform a multi (N)-way analysis of (co)variance (ANOVA or ANCOVA) to evaluate the effect of one or more categorical or continuous predictors (i.e.  independent variables) on a continuous outcome (i.e.  dependent variable).
| bartlett_test
| Perform a Bartlett test for the homogeneity of variances.
| barttest
| Bartlett's test of sphericity for correlation.
| binotest
| Test for probability P of a binomial sample
| chi2gof
| Chi-square goodness-of-fit test.
| chi2test
| Perform a chi-squared test (for independence or homogeneity).
| friedman
| Performs the nonparametric Friedman's test to compare column effects in a two-way layout.
| hotelling_t2test
| Compute Hotelling's T^2 ("T-squared") test for a single sample or two dependent samples (paired-samples).
| hotelling_t2test2
| Compute Hotelling's T^2 ("T-squared") test for two independent samples.
| kruskalwallis
| Perform a Kruskal-Wallis test, the non-parametric alternative of a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
| kstest
| Single sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) goodness-of-fit hypothesis test.
| kstest2
| Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit hypothesis test.
| levene_test
| Perform a Levene's test for the homogeneity of variances.
| manova1
| One-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
| ranksum
| Wilcoxon rank sum test for equal medians.  This test is equivalent to a Mann-Whitney U-test.
| regression_ftest
| F-test for General Linear Regression Analysis
| regression_ttest
| Perform a linear regression t-test for the null hypothesis ''RR * B = R'' in a classical normal regression model ''Y = X * B + E''.
| runstest
| Runs test for detecting serial correlation in the vector X.
| sampsizepwr
| Sample size and power calculation for hypothesis test.
| signtest
| Test for median.
| ttest
| Test for mean of a normal sample with unknown variance or a paired-sample t-test.
| ttest2
| Perform a two independent samples t-test.
| vartest
| One-sample test of variance.
| vartest2
| Two-sample F test for equal variances.
| vartestn
| Test for equal variances across multiple groups.
| ztest
| One-sample Z-test.

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