Template:Student application template private
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Private application template
This part is only meant to be included in your application at Google Melange. Nobody needs to see your contact details in public! You only need to copy the template from this page and NOT CHANGE THE PAGE ITSELF. Do NOT change this page.
A: An introduction
- Please give an idea of the timeframe you plan to be
- working on your project
- able to join our IRC channel
- Do you have other commitments for the summer period? Do you plan to take any vacations?
- If yes, when and for how long?
- Please describe your written English.
C: Contact
- Please state the (unique and identical where possible) nick you use on IRC and any other communication channel related to Octave.
- Please state the email address you check most regularly.
- Which time zone (UTC+-x) and country do you live in? Will that change over SoC duration (DST changes perhaps)?
- Are there instant messenger networks you regularly visit? Would you like your mentor to contact you there?
- Please decide if you would like us to have further non-public contact information of you and share them here. This is meant as absolutely last resort (total absence from internet or computer havoc for instance). It might, for instance, be a phone number with international code. It will only be shared with the mentor in case of absolute emergency and never be published!
S: Self-assessment
- Do you give constructive advice? Do you receive advice ?
- Are you good at sorting useful criticisms from useless ones?
Y: Your task
- Why did you choose your particular task? What do you expect to gain from working on it?